Wee & sperm


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I'v been told that wee can kill sperm and im worried because every time me and my DH BD i need a wee. I always try to keep the "love juice" in there for about 30minutes but im always dieing for a wee!!

I was just wondering wether its better for TTC if i have a wee or just hold both the "love juice" and the wee in for a while? :oops:
do u know i thought i was weird i thought i was the only one was was dying for a wee after 'cuddles' everytime i need to go straight after it....lol
so did i hun first time with adele and within 3 weeks with colby :D
it's just weird! i'm always dieing for a wee. I'v tried not drinking and it doesnt help. And when i wee all the love juice comes out and i feel like it just isnt working :cry:
:think: have you tried going for a wee before 'cuddles'?
i know some people after cuddles lay with their legs in the air. I cant really suggest anything to you hun but dont give up and keep trying your time will come soon enough take care
yep! i'v tried pretty much everything!
awwwww hunny

i know it must be really stressfull and heart breaking but all i can say is just keep at it and dont give up, what is for you wont go past you hun

Having a wee after sex is a must otherwise you will get an infection.

I used to suffer with cystitis and I found out that when you have sex bacteria gets pushed up your wee hole and the longer you leave it to have a wee the higher the bacteria travels upto your kidneys which causes the cystitis so I would'nt reccomend leaving it long :wink:

You should wee after sex because of infection as Tasha said but if you're ttc you're advised to keep lying down for 20/30 minutes before going to stop all the sperm falling out. It sounds like you're doing that so don't worry - all will be well :D
I was told that, peeing before and after sex is good to keep all your bits clean and infection free :)
Ah tell a lie, a mans urine can kill sperm, so it must mean a womans can too. I'd stick you're legs in the air for as long as you can before going for a wee hun.
i try too. It just bugs me so much that i have to pee after BDing!! It makes this whole thing seem like a waste of time! im trying really hard to do everything right!! :cry:
Strange idea, but my mate says she swore by putting a tampon in slightly to keep the sperm up there when she went for a wee. She got pregnant twice doing that.
hmm i supose there is no harm in trying it!
If you have layed in bed for 30 mins after sex then chances are all thats falling out of you is just the semen, not sperm as most will already have swum inside you.
I always went to the toilet after cuddles as although we were trying I oly really just stopped taking the pill. Never worked out dates or anything. Took me 5 months to conceive like that, maybe I Was just lucky?!

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