Wee & sperm

i guess everyone is different i wasnt even trying wuith adele i just got cought first time. With colby we spoke about it and came off the pill and within 3 weeks i was PG i honeslty think if you dont plan it and forget about dates and stuff it may happen quicker because your alot more relaxed and your not counting days and bedding as soon as you have a temp (all that seems like hard work and very confussing to me) maybe im wrong i guess

good luck TTC hunny im sure it will happen very soon
have a nap afterwards - that'll stop you needing the loo
I have also heard this and believe it to be true, there is a kind that you can get that helps with TTC, also you can use natrual egg whites.
Sami said:
I was told that, peeing before and after sex is good to keep all your bits clean and infection free :)

My mum told me that :oops: I used to get cystitis alot when younger and was told to have a pee after sex, I have to anyway now... I think its because OHs willy rubs your pee hole. :oops:

Never heard that wee kills sperm, I got pregnant in less than a week of trying so I doubt its true. Maybe its because when you go to the toilet after sex sperm escapes when you wipe
lorskimac said:
does lubricant really harm sperm? has anyone else heard this?

I have heard this!

Throw away your lubricants
The chemicals in commercial lubricants can kill sperm. Studies show sperm motility is lessened by 60-100% after sixty minutes of contact with lubricants. Petroleum jelly, plain glycerin and even saliva can also kill sperm.
Lengthen the amount of time you spend on foreplay to ensure you are aroused and your natural vaginal secretions are increased. If you must use an additional lubricant, try egg whites because they encourage sperm motility.

Oh an the nipping to bathroom! I have tired the fall alseep without going but I hate it - I always nip for a widdle before we have sex & 15-30 minutes after if I really need to but my OH finds it funny to hold me legs in the air even if I'm not ovulating ~ Weird man!
lorskimac said:
does lubricant really harm sperm? has anyone else heard this?

it usually says on the back of lubricants that it kills sperm but isnt a contreceptive!
I always go afterwards, feel a little messy afterwards if not...

bit paranoid now :D

Good luck x
I clean myself up (best way of putting it) I just don't nip to bathroom :D
My oh laughs these days..

Got past the sensitive stage..he knows i get up afterwards and go wash!

Bearing that in mind I suppose it would be a miracle if I'm pregnant! :D

There is a sperm friendly lubricant which helps the sperm in the same way the mucus would it is called pre-seed, I have never used it, but the reviews on it seem to be good!

I am another one who cleans up after the fun :wink: xx

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