Wedding plans! Too much

I agree with the others hun, It is YOUR day and you have to do what makes you and Andy happy, not what makes other people happy. I think what you have mentioned sounds lovely and it will be something special to you as that is what you really wanted to happen so i say go for it !!! :)
if someone can afford to spend that amount of money then there is no harm in it, it is after all their own special day that they will never have again.
Thanks for that guys, i was paranoid that you should have the whole big hog as thats what people expect you to have, i feel much better now thanks to your comments.

The other things that make me worry is that my brother spent 17k on his wedding as his partner went overboard and he had to take a loan out to pay for it all, he says now they do nothing but argue over the debt it has left! :shock:
We are doing ours on the cheap and buying bits monthly, it has worked out about £4,000 for what we want.

I want smaller, i feel it will be more intimate for us and not as much to keep up with on the day.

Do you think my dress will be over board though (for those that have seen it!)
No not all hun, your dress is gorgeous !it will go perfect :)
Our wedding cost just under 2 grand.We had a church wedding
My dress came from Oxfam, i had one bridesmaid who had her own dress which looked lovely. Hubby hired a kilt suity thing.

We said that anyone was welcome to the wedding but the reception meal was at a local pub with a function room and was limited to strictly close friends and family. and we made it a maximum of 40 people for a sit down meal with toasts and cake done all inclusive it came to around £700 for the reception.

Yes we upset afew family members, but it was our day and if they didn't like it tough, and we didn't have an evening disco - 1. i don't enjoy discos and can't dance to save my life! 2. it is just and excuse for everyone to get pi@@ed on your money.

We got married at 12:30 and the meal was at 2pm by 4pm i was shattered with the stress and excitement of it all, and was glad to go and get the dress off and relax at home with my hubby.

It was a lovely day, the vicar was a complete nut case and made it all so enjoyable - durin one of the hymn he said to my OH 'you didn't marry her for her singing voice did you!' then when my dad handed my hand to the Vicar to pass to my hubby 'the giving away' bit vicar said to dad ' bugger off your not needed now!'
As he said a wedding shoulf be a celebration and enjoyable not a bloody morbid afair!
missac said:
if someone can afford to spend that amount of money then there is no harm in it, it is after all their own special day that they will never have again.

we didnt say there was harm in it did we? Just abit silly spending that much money on one day...I mean its not like you cant have just as special a day without spending stupid amounts of money is it...
I agree that some places over charge for items you can get cheaper everywhere else, and some people buy the first one they see rather than shopping around.

I must admit it goes too quick for my liking, i wouldn't like to spend all that and not benefit from it and it all going in a blur.

I think i will down size the wedding and if people don't like it then they don't have to come!

i had an expensive wedding and i don't think it was silly. I don't want to start an argument with anyone but everyone is entitled to the day they want if they can afford it, I wanted that day just as much as much as Yvonne wants the day she wants.
Hi there

I havent read all the replies but if you dont like being centre of attention have a 4pm/5pm wedding and then go for a buffet party rather then a sit down meal. it is getting more popular to have late weddings and buffet partys that will go through the night most caterers will do this and the buffet will be hot and cold and speachers can still be made. My brother did this for his wedding and it went really well people ate and chattered for about half an hour while music played in the background then a few speachers were made and then they did the first dance which kicked of the rest of the night. Done right it can save money to
Hope this helps
Pam xx
missac said:
i had an expensive wedding and i don't think it was silly. I don't want to start an argument with anyone but everyone is entitled to the day they want if they can afford it, I wanted that day just as much as much as Yvonne wants the day she wants.

no one is arguing if thats you're opinion its fine, this is our opinion...its nothing to do with not been able to afford that kind of money, I wouldnt want to spend that kind of money on 1 day i think its a waste...this is just my opinion...

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