Wedding Gift Ideas!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I'm getting married on the 1st July, we are only having a very small registry office wedding (10 people) and afterwards are having a family BBQ as a reception, we don't have a lot of money but it is important to us that we get married before our second child is born.

I really want to give my new husband a gift of some sort, maybe something engraved, something that could be on display in the house? I'm not really sure where to start, I don't think I want anything like engraved glasses.

It's very important to me that I find the perfect gift as a sort of celebration for him/us because his family don't want us to get married even though we have been together 5 years, have one child and another on the way. I really want to make the day extra special for him.

Any ideas would be great xx
I'm having the same problem hon! Lol! I've booked him and his best man hotel rooms the night before the wedding and I think I'm going to get him a watch with a bible inscription on it for a pressie but I'm not 100% as it seems so blah!
That sounds lovely!! I think it would be really special and mean a lot to him :) I'm really not sure what to do, I just want to make it special. His parents won't drop the fact that he has been married before and it failed (she cheated on him) so he is super excited about getting married but the negative comments from them make him feel really low.

I was thinking about something to do with Mr & Mrs (no idea what!), as he loves calling me Mrs C!

I wish my brain would work! I'm normally really brilliant at these sort of things but baby brain really isn't helping! lol x
Are you marrying my OH?! Lol! Except you wouldn't be mrs.c if you married him! Lmao. My OH has been married before and she cheated on him but I know it's different this time as it's not just for us and I'd never cheat on him! Lol. You could inscribe it 'from mrs.c' or similar?
Thats's a really good idea! I couldn't even think of that with my baby brain! I would never cheat on my OH, I've had it happen to me and it's awful. I love him so much and he works so hard for us. His parents treat him like dirt and it makes me so angry!

Have you got most of the other bits sorted now or do you still have loads to do? I like my wedding is ages away! I guess it's because I'm worried about fitting in my dress lol
Most of it's done now thank goodness but i'm still trying to arrange decorations!!!! Lol! We get married the weekend before you I think! I can't wait!!!!
Saying that I had a nightmare last night that I couldn't get anyone to do my hair and I was running really really late and OH thought i'd stood hum up and it just went all wrong! Lol
Well on the programme Mr and Mrs didn't they used to get a carriage clock? Perhaps one of these as a a little sentimental joke and you could gert it ingraved?
Thanks Mamafy!

We wanted to get married that weekend but I was told by my mum we couldn't as my sister was thinking of going on holiday :wall2: I keep having nightmares that OH doesn't think I look beautiful in my dress :shock:

I've still got to find something for my lo to wear and find the right shoes for me but most of it is done. Do you mind if I ask what jewellery you are wearing? I was thinking of something simple around my neck and simple earrings as I want to me and my dress to be the main focus. I was thinking maybe something like a pearl necklaces and earrings but not sure if thats right x
I've still got to get Seb's suit but I'm getting it tomorrow so that'll be done and I need to sort my shoes too! Lmao! I'm wearing some jewellery from coast (which is where my dress is from ;))


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That looks stunning!! Your new hubby won't be able to keep his hands off you!!!!
Hope so! Lol! Having hair trial soon so will be able to decide how to wear my veil :) ooooooh I'm so excited!!!
The carriage clock is a cute idea and one you could display!

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