

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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At What age did you start weaning your LO's..

Charlie is coming up 4 months, i want to hold off to at least 5 months so just after Christmas ..he seems to get alot more hungrier these days, he is taking interest in food, chews on his fists constantly..

What did you start them off on, Baby Rice?
I didn't wean Seb until he was 6 months as I wanted to do baby led weaning and after doing research decided that it wasn't necessary for us to wean any earlier.

Ignore any mistakes-my iPhone is addicted to autocorrect!
Owen started at 4 months just on baby rice / porridge an after a couple of weeks went on to jars cx

I held off until just under 6 months and started off on tiny bits of baby porridge. They dont 'need' food until that stage anyway and I wanted to do some blw and the whole philosophy behind that its 'food is for fun, until they're one'.
I started early at 4months i think and i regret it. I was being pressured my family who told me he 'needed' it when looking back qith hindsight i dont think he did. He was an amazing eater until about august when we hit a fussy phase, and we r still kind of in it, reulting in us going to cook and eat sessions. Slowly he is getting less fussy but its hard!!

Next time i intend to wait as long as possible and hefully go down the blw route.
Cesca started on rice at lunch about a week ago cause she was just getting too hungry bless her xx
I'm the same as Helen.we waited till just b4 6 months by which point he was picking bits off my plate and putting them in his mouth.we also are doing blw

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Other people keep telling me Poppy's ready but I want to hold off as long as possible. She's not waking in the night hungry, but has recently increased her feeds but I'm happy to just give her more milk. I'll do it when I feel she's ready, i.e when she just doesn't seem satisfied with just milk anymore. x
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Other people keep telling me Poppy's ready but I want to hold off as long as possible. She's not waking in the night hungry, but has recently increased her feeds but I'm happy to just give her more milk. I'll do it when I feel she's ready, i.e when she just doesn't seem satisfied with just milk anymore. x

Poppy is just the same as charlie, he isnt waking in the night for feeds, its just the day time, but like you im happy to increase his milk. i am not doing anything until 5 months and then if he is still happy with just his milk il wait longer, im not in a rush to do it, im excited for him to start weaning, but just not yet..
Jack started on baby rice at 4 months. He has always drunk way under the 'average' amount of milk for his age and is skinny, he doesn't have any fat on his body and because of this and him being hungry every 90mins and only taking 2-3oz at a time we decided to start a little early. He now has porridge for breakfast, veggies or fruit for lunch & veggies or fruit for dinner. He's still well under the average weight and still only take 3-4oz for his feeds but he's happy & healthy so we're glad we started a bit early x
Jasper was offered food from six months and learnt how to grab it and feed himself :) now he is 17 months and a fantastic eater :)
Jack started on baby rice at 4 months. He has always drunk way under the 'average' amount of milk for his age and is skinny, he doesn't have any fat on his body and because of this and him being hungry every 90mins and only taking 2-3oz at a time we decided to start a little early. He now has porridge for breakfast, veggies or fruit for lunch & veggies or fruit for dinner. He's still well under the average weight and still only take 3-4oz for his feeds but he's happy & healthy so we're glad we started a bit early x

my daughter was weaned early at around 4 and half months and she was also a prem baby, but HV, was quite happy for me to do it, she was just so hungry constantly. i really noticed a difference when she started eating, you know when they are ready, Glad Jack is enjoying his food! :)
I started weaning my daughter at 3 months and she's been fine with early weaning, no allergies etc
I started weaning charley at 4 months but he became poorly with gastroenteritis so I stopped and started weaning again just before 6 months
Tried both with baby rice but both didn't like it so did puréed fruit and veg xx
I've just changed B's milk and at last she's on 6oz bottles! But I think it will be at least 6 months before we wean & hoping to do BLW x
I started weaning Emily 2 weeks before she was 6 months, she had a great interest in my food, my guy instinct and HV said to go for it. I said in another thread about how I was so nervous about it but it's becoming really easy now. It's new to you and to your baby, and it's fun letting them make a mess (apart from the cleaning up afterwards. Wean when you feel ready and talk to your HV of you're concerned :)

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