questions about weaning


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2006
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What things will i need for weaning my LO?

I have had some free samples of baby rice through but do you only make up part the packet if you are only giving a teaspoon or do i need loads?

Is it babyrice he will start on ?
how long before he will need anything else ?

How did you decide when to start weaning.

Thanks for any advice
When we started we just made up 2 teaspoons of rice with baby milk and put a little on Logans tongue just so he could get the feel of it. we did this just in the evenings before his bath, after a few days we put a little more into his mouth etc and he swallowed some.

We then got some apple puree and puree'd sweet potatoe and carrot and tried a few teaspoons of that. (Logan didn't seem to like the texture of the baby rice) Once he had the taste for carrot etc we never looked back! We gradually increased the amount he was having over a week or so and once he was having about 4/5 spoonfuls we introduced breakfast as well. He was on 2 "meals" a day for about 2 weeks and then we introduced lunch as well. this didn't go down too well at first so we went back to 2 meals ( he kept being sick) but we then started it back up again and he has been fine. Once he was on 3 meals we increased the quantity of each one and introduced puddings etc (dinner time) but then we started on the baby lead weaning! lol

(Logan was very hungry and I couldn't rely on him getting enough food via the traditional BLW route so now we do BLW for lunch but puree for dinner! With extras like rice cakes or breadsticks or garlic bread!)

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