

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2005
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What age were your LO's when you did this. I was planning to do it around 5/6 months from her actual birth date. However I went to my new mums group yesterday and they said sometimes prem babies need weaning ealier than normal. However when I questioned this further they just told me to discuss with my HV as every case if deiiferent. However my HV is useless! Thoughts please .
HV's don't know jack about prems in my experience :lol:

I weaned Damien at 4 months actual age. Weaning them at their actual ages is very important for speech development and to get them to use their tounges, it is also very beneficial for babies who have reflux (although with Damien he brings up food instead of just sick) :lol: .

I would start at 4 months actual IF she is ready, and take it slowly. I found baby rice pretty rubbsih and after a few days of that just moved staright onto smooth puree'd bland veggies.

Hope that helps, xx
Ive been wondering the exact same thing! Do you leave it a bit longer as they are premmies or do you follow the usual advice of 4-6 months.

I personally feel that Isaac is getting ready but my DH said to leave it a bit longer. Hmmm....I may try him on baby rice tomorrow just to see how he gets on.
Isaac has reflux doesn't he bagpuss? It really dos help them when they get more on solids. Not that I'm a health professional, so don't take my guarenteed word for it! See how he likes it :)

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