Weaning advice


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
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So LO hits 6 months next week :shock: (where did that time go??) and I'm psyching myself up for weaning - TBH am feeling a little nervous about it - milk seems so easy in comparison...

Anyway am planning on going down the BLW route, but have a couple of questions:

1. Do you start giving water with food from the first meal or only once they start to eat more or dryer foods (like toast)?

2. When do you start off introducing food - before milk, after milk - if after how long do you wait? Isabella goes from 0-starving in under 10 seconds so I don't think would have the patience for solids when she's due a feed until she gets used to the idea, but am worried that if she fills up on milk first she won't be interested in food.

3. As I understand it at the beginning you keep up with the same number of boobie feeds, but for how long? When do you start dropping them?

4. For those of you (particularly with refluxy babies) who found certain foods you ate while BFing upset their tummies - did the same foods bother them when given as solids? Just wondering if I should avoid giving her broccoli, beans & tomatoes as they seem to upset her when I eat them..
Time really does fly by and i have found the last month to be the quickest so far. Our little babies are growing so fast :)

1. Do you start giving water with food from the first meal or only once they start to eat more or dryer foods (like toast)?

I offered her water in her sippy cup at her first meal regardless of what food is offered. TBH she is till learning to use it and only drinks a little amount now

2. When do you start off introducing food - before milk, after milk - if after how long do you wait? Isabella goes from 0-starving in under 10 seconds so I don't think would have the patience for solids when she's due a feed until she gets used to the idea, but am worried that if she fills up on milk first she won't be interested in food.

What i did was give a normal boob feed then maybe an hour or so later offer some solids so that she wasnt too hungry or too full. Now she tends to have her food then maybe a top up with booby milk.

3. As I understand it at the beginning you keep up with the same number of boobie feeds, but for how long? When do you start dropping them?

I havent dropped any feeds on purpose, i am letting LO guide me, so far she has kinda stayed the same with the amount of times she feeds but maybe not so much milk taken. Milk is still their main source of nutrition so they still need to be having quite a bit of milk.

4. For those of you (particularly with refluxy babies) who found certain foods you ate while BFing upset their tummies - did the same foods bother them when given as solids? Just wondering if I should avoid giving her broccoli, beans & tomatoes as they seem to upset her when I eat them..[/quote]

Sorry cant answer this one
well done on getting to 6 months hon :cheer: :cheer:

in answer to your questions:

1/ i started giving water in a sippy cup straight away - a bit like giving food, i found that he started by spitting it all out first, but now he'll drink about 1/2 cup with each meal.

2/ start giving food when neither of you are stressed - whatever time of day is the most chilled out for you both. i started with lunches, then added breakfast the following week, then added dinner the week after that.

3/ if you're feeding on demand you'll notice that, as solid food intake increases, boob feeds drop. its nothing i've done consciously; i feed solids at certain times each day, and then give boob whenever he wants it in between meals. some days he doesn't really feed much, other days he feeds as often as he did when he was tiny. and he still feeds 2/3 times during the night :wall:

4/ can't really help you there i'm afraid... connor's reflux stopped at about 5 months and he eats anything and everything now. if you think that those foods have had an effect via you, then it would probably be a good idea to avoid them until later down the weaning path.

good luck!! check out beanie's BLW blog thread for lots of ideas :D :D
Thanks ladies! I'm actually a little sad to have her moving on to big girls food - never thought I'd be saying that 5 months ago! Am keeping an eagle eye on the BLW blog - am finding it quite inspiring :D

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