
Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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The semen sample we've been putting off for ages that is.
Have to phone for the results after lunch tomorrow.

That has to be the most arkward thing ever :oops: . Not very sexy in the least. God only knows how men ever manage to 'finish' while giving a sample.
Then it's just sod's law that when we have to get it to the hospital within the hour we get stck behind a sunday driver :wall: . Got there in time though lol.
Best of luck with the test results tomorrow Skairdy! :hug:
Good luck :pray:

Not to put a downer on you but when my DH eventually did his sample :roll: typiacal man took ages :roll: he got told that he would get the results the next day but it was a week later and a LOT of arguments with the hospital and the doctor surgary, really hope you do not get messed around like we did.

Good luck again :pray:

edit * also my dh had to ring the doc surgery for results and got told the doctor wanted to talk to him about the results please do not panic if that happens as everything was/is fine with DH it is just that the doc wanted to talk to DH in case DH had any other questions*
Congratulations Skairdy - one of the reasons Dave is chuffed with our excitement today is because he had a sperm test booked for next Monday!! :D :D I think he should still do it :D
skairdykat said:
The semen sample we've been putting off for ages that is.
Have to phone for the results after lunch tomorrow.

That has to be the most arkward thing ever :oops: . Not very sexy in the least. God only knows how men ever manage to 'finish' while giving a sample.
Then it's just sod's law that when we have to get it to the hospital within the hour we get stck behind a sunday driver :wall: . Got there in time though lol.

my friend used to wrap her hubbys sample in a sock on its way to the hospital :lol:

Just thought id tell you :oops:
I rang after 3 yesterday to be told that no I shouldn't have been told to ring the same day and to ring after lunch today :roll: So I rang at 12 and the lady on the other end asked if she could ring me back in 5 mins when she found the results book :shock: . I thought that was a bad sign lol.

10 mins later she rang and said 'Good news Denise. Your partners sperm count is very, very good' :dance: :dance: :dance:

She didn't tell me the numbers but a normal sperm count is 20mill per ml of semen I think so it must be that or over I'm guessing. And the average amount of semen in each ejaclation is 2ml-5ml and it looked around the 5ml mark yesterday :oops: .

She said I could make another appt to come in and discuss some fertility drugs to give me a boost, or just keep trying for another 4mths and if we've still not fallen by then to make an appt to go in then.

So we decided to leave it till October and then go back in if we're not PG by then. She also said it's not unusual for it to take up to 18mths to get PG anyway and not to worry as all the tests so far seem to say that everything is well :cheer:

So no more OPK's, cheking CM etc. We're just going to make love 3-4 times per week and to forget that we're TTC for now. Well until Oct anyway lol.

I'm so gald we had the final test done now, such a weights been lifted.

Oh and Rob thinks he's super sperm now LOL. I think deep down he was worried about the results because he kept talking bout it last night nd going on at me to ring the hossy. And even said if I'm broke will you want to find another 'donor'. Bless him :hug:
Thats great news Skairdy.

Good on you for taking your mind off it until October, it's only been 2 months for us but because of my irregular cycle I'm already having to try and stop myself getting stressed about it!

Hopefully if you take your mind off it for a few months and we get a lovely long & hot summer you can get yourself a spring baby!!! :lol:
Thas brilliant news hun. hope u get good results baby wise now :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

That is brilliant news, I was thinking about you at today wondering if you got the results.

Sending you babydust :hug: :hug:
good luck!
thought you'd got your BFP then!!
hope you get it soon!
Thats fantastic news and they seem really efficient in getting the results back quickly!!!

Good luck with the more laid back approach, I bet it will work :D
good luck hun, it took me 18 mths 2 get bfp, so hang in their hun, you will get yours
That is really good news hun, congratulations! I have a feeling you wont need to go back in october :)

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