we are still here


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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Had 20 week scan on Tuesday, picture attached.
we have come to a place where we can enjoy our pregnancy and I am beginning to make preparations. I didn't know where to begin a few weeks ago.
they picked up a heart defect which is commonplace with edwards syndrome and apart from that and the stomach all seems ok.
they said the hands, feet and head look a lovely shape and size.
They have said that I could go into labour at any point but if I manage to reach the third trimester I should make it to full term, but it is all so uncertain.

we still don't know if we are team blue or pink, the positioning was not ideal to tell and our report is late! As soon as we know, I want to buy some little clothes.
We are keeping a journal and writing it as if it where to our baby, who at the moment, we call wiggly woo. The consultant says our baby is incredibly active!
I can feel Wiggly moving now and I love it.
Hubby puts his head on my tummy everyday and has a little chat too!
I wish things were different but I am treating it as if my baby is with me now as I just don't know how much longer I will have him/her for.

I hope you guys don't mind an update, I know it is different and I don't want people getting upset.
I absolutely love my scan pic and can't stop looking at it! x


  • Wiggly 20 Weeks.jpg
    Wiggly 20 Weeks.jpg
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Gorgeous pic hunnie, you are an inspiration, please continue to update us (if you want to obviously) xxx
Thank you girls, I will keep you updated and I am always checking to see how everyone is doing x
Gawjus pic hunni :) You're doing so well coping with everything, fingers crossed you're little wriggler will stay put and everything goes ok. I'm not sure what Edwards syndrome is, but all the best xxx
So glad your ok. You seem like a very strong women. Im praying you make it to tri 3. Good luck
Thats a great scan pick, glad you are feeling so positive x
Great to see you Twilly, I've been thinking about you and your baby. Glad your scan went well and baby is moving, your so positive, def post on here whenever you feel like xx
Great pic hun, lovely to hear an update. You are a very strong lady

Big hugs.x x x
Absolutely lovely pic Hun, stay strong :hugs: xx
Been thinking of you and your now not so little bean! What a fab profile pic and you post anytime as it's really nice to hear how you're getting on. You sound like a really strong lady & your OH too and I wish you all the best for the coming weeks - looking forward to whether you're pink or blue :eek:)
Aw i love your scan pic and im so pleased you have posted again as i have been wondering how you and wiggly have been doing. Seems like you have a little fighter on your hands. You never know wot the future will bring hun i would buy all you want as you will be needing them when little one decides to put in an appearance. you made me giggle that he/she was being uncooperative on the scan so you could tell its sex that screams of a little boy to me! big hugs for you hun im really happy you are seeing the positives xxxxxxx
How amazing, and such a beautiful scan photo.
You're so strong hun, It's lovely that you and your OH can still enjoy your pregnancy, I think you should, little Wiggly Woo doesn't know any different from other womb babies.
Take care of yourself and do update us more! I love reading your posts even if it is upsetting. It puts things into a whole different perspective for me, You're an inspiration xxx
lovely to see you on here, gorgeous pic! is ur journal on PF or something you are doing at home? xx
Just something I'm doing at home.
Thinking of writing a book though! xx
Gorgeous scan pic little wiggly woo is a cutey :) like everyone else said I think your amazingly strong and an inspiration, I am so pleased your enjoying your pregnancy, feeling every kick is time spent with our lo's and you get to know their routine and almost feel like you know them and their personality :) I hope he/she hangs on cooking until as long as possible for you and you go full term, all my fingers are crossed. Please keep us updated *hug*
I was only thinking of you yesterday, thinking of those that were around the 20 week mark like I am. So pleased to hear you and your husband are being strong and I really hope that baby of yours is a fighter and you go through to tri 3.
Lovely scan pic hun, and I agree with amy, bet wiggly is a boy being so uncoroporative!

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