we are still here

Hun, i think you are an absolute inspriation! Your scan pic is beautiful, and glad to hear all is progressing well!
Massively admirmation you for how postive you've been and i've got everything crossed for you your OH and little wiggly Xx
What a great pic!!! You are such a wonderful inspiration, please keep us updated on how you're getting on hun, thinking about u and your oh x
Thanks for all the lovely messages.
Still no news in the post so I have rung and left a message.
In ordinary circumstances we wouldn't have been finding out the sex, but it's so important to us now.
It's frustrating!
Thanks for all the lovely messages.
Still no news in the post so I have rung and left a message.
In ordinary circumstances we wouldn't have been finding out the sex, but it's so important to us now.
It's frustrating!

I hope they get back to you soon it must be so frustrating, we were able to find out immediately at the scan as he was proper flashing us but if I had to wait I think I would have gone off my head with impatience, and even more so in your case with every second being so important to you. My guess is wiggly is a little boy, purely judged on the naughty behaviour on the scan :lol:
So glad you've posted an update hun, I've been wondering how you were doing. You're being amazingly strong, you're such an inspiration. I hope more than anything that you make it to Tri 3 and full term.

Your pic is gorgeous, such a great close up of the face.

Sending you lots of love and positive thoughts. xxxx
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Lovely to hear your update hunny, you are such a strong person and an inspiration. Your scan pic is gorg :) just seen your team update too, cant wait to hear about all the lovely things you have bought. Keep us posted how you and your LO are doing x x

How amazing, and such a beautiful scan photo.
You're so strong hun, It's lovely that you and your OH can still enjoy your pregnancy, I think you should, little Wiggly Woo doesn't know any different from other womb babies.
Take care of yourself and do update us more! I love reading your posts even if it is upsetting. It puts things into a whole different perspective for me, You're an inspiration xxx

I second that.. you are an amazing woman xxx
Such a lovely pic and thanks for the update as the other ladies have said u r such an insparation. keep us posted and ill have my fingers crossed that u will b in tri3 with us xxx
Hi Twilly,

Love the scan pick, great profile shot of your little one! You are so brave and a real inspiration to the rest of us- I think writing a book sounds like a great idea, if you feel you could do it!.....Hope your LO hangs on until tri-3 xxx
Gorgeous scan picture! So lovely to have an update from you x x

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