Was anyone disappointed about the sex of their baby?

When I was having my daughter I was told twice that she was a boy and I always wanted boys and not girls. But I was told when she was born that she was a girl and I felt awful, I had a hard time bonding with her tbh. I think if I would have found out she was a girl I would have been able to bond better with her before she was born.

Having a boy this time and I was pleased as punch when they told me as I didn't really see myself having another girl :shock:
From the start I was convinced I was having a girl.I just couldn't imagine myself with a boy. I think it's because a girl just seemed more like the natural extension of myself.

Then the midwife kept saying "he" at scans.So i started trying to think blue.

And it turned out she was a girl anyway :lol:
i always wanted a girl, didnt like little boys at all, but my OH always wanted a boy. He was so sure we'd have a boy i started to think of the positives and come around to the idea...but because he was so sure i wanted to find out the sex. It turns out ours is a girl, and now he is so excited about having a little girl. I think knowing beforehand is the best idea because you dont need the worry of wondering if you'll be disappointed, and whichever it turns out to be you will have seen all the positives by the time its born
I really wanted a boy although I though I was having a girl until my 20 week scan when we found out we were having a boy. Overjoyed and relieved is an understatement as to how I felt.
I too can relate to this, I always wanted a girl....

We didnt find out but I was convinced she was a boy-I think I sort of convinced myself because I didnt want to be dissapointed if I didnt have a girl (sorry of that sounds awful :oops: )

As time went on, I called my bump he, and even had a definate boys name (wasnt really thinking girls names) I sort of grew to be excited about a boy and I was SO sure it was going to be team blue......

I nearly fell off the operating table when OH announced we had a daughter, I was wailing "I got my little girl!!", I was just SO delighted, and I am still walking on air now-she is everything I ever wanted.

I know if Ruby had been a boy, I would of wanted to try again for a girl but now she is here, I feel complete and blessed, and dont want any more children, I hope that doesnt sound selfish of me but I have everything I ever wanted.

It is true when you say during pregnany "I dont care what the sex is along as s/he is healthy" and I must say that is so true, every baby is a blessing :cheer:
I was CONVINCED i was having a boy with hannah. I Only ever looked at boys clothes and thought of boys names. I wasnt keen on anything pink. At the 20 week scan we got told i was having a girl. I was deffinatly disapointed. for a while. But the more i looked at cute pink things and thought about a little girl the more excited i got. By the time i was in my last trimaster i was sooo excited about my little girl. I could never imagine her being a boy. Felt exactly the same when she was born. I am sooo proud and happy i had a little girl. And NEVER think of hannah as 'what if she was aboy' EVER.

Id like a boy next time please tho. Just so ive got one of each. But if not i dont care at all!
I was the same, really wouldn't have known how to handle a girl so I was hoping all along for a boy. Now I'm worrying if I was to have a second whether it would be a girl, as I'd really not prefer one, but I know if I did as soon as she was born I would love her, but I would know in my head I much preferred a boy.
Rubys mummy said:
I too can relate to this, I always wanted a girl....

We didnt find out but I was convinced she was a boy-I think I sort of convinced myself because I didnt want to be dissapointed if I didnt have a girl (sorry of that sounds awful :oops: )

As time went on, I called my bump he, and even had a definate boys name (wasnt really thinking girls names) I sort of grew to be excited about a boy and I was SO sure it was going to be team blue......

That's EXACTLY how I felt - convinced myself DD was a boy as deep down I always wanted a baby girl.

Now I'd like her to have a sister!

Valentine Xxx
I was praying for a girl if i'm perfectly honest - when we went for sexing scan baby wouldn't let us see what sex they were so i left hospital in tears, i hd been sooo looking forward to finding out if i was getting my little girl - but to be honest i am really glad she didn 't let us find out as when my baby was placed in my arms after she was born and we knew she was a girl it made it so much more special if that's even possible!
When you realise what can go wrong (you know all the screening you have to have for Downs etc.) I was delighted that I had a healthy baby boy - I would have been equally delighted if I had a girl.
I just couldn't see myself with a girl. In the past I have always looked after boys, girls occasionally. I really hated having a preference when I found out I was pregnant as the baby being healthy was the main thing.

I was overjoyed when I found out it was a boy we were having. I do know though that mistakes can happen and if a little girl does pop out at the end I would love her just the same.

Next time I really don't mind if we have a girl, another boy would be cool though :wink:
My lifes mission was to have 5 boys. When the scan showed a little girl, I ran out with my pants around my ankles, locked myself in the toilet and cried til I thought I would die. Everytime I thought about it I teared up. I got a bit better but still always doubted if I would bond, I felt so so guilty that I felt this way.

As soon as I seen her I almost exploded with pride, she's almost 8 weeks and I can't stop looking at her, kissing her, just holding her whilst she sleeps (she's in my arms now).

I'm blessed that I have both, my family is perfect and complete, my heart breaks with how lucky I am.

I'm sure you will love your little miracle whatever it's gender :hug:
I really admire peoples honesty and openness in this thread. I remember posting a similar thing last time when i was pregnant with Isla. I desperatly wanted a girl, so much so that we just had to find out at the scan so that i had 20 weeks to 'prepare' myself for her being a boy. I got depressed because i felt this way, i felt guilty after 2 years of TTC that i had a preference when i really should have been glad of being pregnant with any baby. By the time we had the 20 week scan i had convinced myself she was a boy so that i wouldnt be disappointed if we were told she was a boy. I was adamant even on the scan that she was a boy but it turned out my willy i saw was the cord :oops: i asked her at the last minute. I cant pretend i wasnt over the moon and i cried all the way home. But i still convinced myself she was a boy, just incase they got it wrong.

The day she was born i cried even more, until the point i saw for myself i didnt beleive i had a little girl.

This time round i'm not so worried about it all and cried again at the scan when we were told the sex, in hindsight i dont think i cry because of the sex just because of the releif everything is ok.

People always say they dont have a preference but i think most people do, maybe not one they would rather have but just one sex springs to mind every time they invisage themsleves with their baby.

I am glad this post was written, i think a lot of people feel guilt about this type of thing, and this thread just proves that we are all the same :hug:

Now i just cant wait for my baby to come...... :cheer:
I'm relieved to see all of these answers. When I first posted this question, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was a little nervous that even if people felt this way, they wouldn't admit it and I would end up feeling even worse. I knew deep down that my feelings are normal, but seeing it confirmed and knowing that just about everyone feels it at least a little is very reassuring. Reading everyone's reples is helping me feel less guilty and actually dwell on the gender much less... At least for now. Thanks, everyone!
its nice to know everyone else feels the same.

Im gonna make my OH read this thread later. He caught me crying once (when id convinced myself the scan was wrong and we were in fact having a boy that i wouldnt love :( :roll: ) and he thought i was a mentalist..... He didnt understand at all :shakehead:

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