Morning sickness and sex of baby...

Before having my 2nd child I was convinced that if you suffered bad morning sickness you were having a girl. I based this on the experiences of friends/family who had girls, they all seemed to suffer with bad MS, actually throwing up not just nausea.

I had nausea with my first pregnancy and a little with my 2nd but not particularly bad with either. In fact both pregnancies were very similar indeed, I carried the same way and felt very similar in first tri. I've had a boy and girl. So my theory was thrown out of the window.

I came to the conclusion it's just down to the way you carry babies as an individual more than anything.

My midwife did say though that typicall you do suffer with MS more with girls because of the female hormomes.
I have been so sick in this pregnancy, i lost over a stone in weight and was signed off work for about 6 weeks and we have just found out we are having a girl.
Although saying that, my friend in work is also really sick and she's pregnant with a boy so i'm not sure i believe in the old wives tales.
I dont think sex has an impact as my first I felt sick, was sick and then felt a bit better (she was a girl), my second I felt sick was sick and still felt rotten (Boy) my third I didnt feel sick at all (boy) and the fourth I felt really sick all day, was physically sick but not as much as I was with the first two (this one is a girl) so for me all completely different.

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