Warm room


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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I've just put Georgia in her crib in just her nappy with an open weave blanket.

Our room is saying 24/25 on the thermometer (with a wee sad face) - got the window wide open but im terrified its too hot.

I've felt like this today too. It can be difficult to judge :hug:x
It seems crazy to put her to bed in just a nappy in only march :shock: God alone knows what it will be like in June/July. Xxx
Our room is 24 too but it get so chilly at night I don't want to open the window as he'll catch a chill. I have a book which has a list of various temps and how babies should be dressed for bed. for 21 - 24 it says vest and a sleep suit or a vest and a thin blanket. So Ariel's just in his vest and sleep suit and seems to be the perfect temp. Only problem is of course it means he can't be snuggled into the moses basket :(
Your wise though. Because overheating is bad for babies but being too cold will give them the cold. :) she prob looked so cute too xx
I just put Jake in a babygrow for now until summer xx
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She actually seems a lot happier since we took her sleepsuit off. Lying on my chest she was actually wet with sweat.
EllA is in a vest and pjs and a blanket, it said 23 when I put her to bed so I left the bedroom door open. It gets quite cold thru the night so I wouldn't leave her without a blanket. She seems fine though x
She doesn't have a temperature or any thing since she is so sweaty?
I don't think so. She's up for a feed now, and it's cooled down a bit, so think I'll out sleepsuit back on. Xxx
I cannot seem to get this room below 20 degrees...
It's always between 20 and 22. So M is usually in vest, sleepsuit and a light blanket. I'm always worried she's too hot/cold :(
I know how Ye feel ladies. Xx
Temperature is a constant worry for me too... Emily is still in a vest and sleep suit with a light blanket. She is warm but not too hot.
Jack froze in the winter even with his huge knitted shawl his Great Aunt knitted him. One morning his little hands were like ice even with the heating on full blast and it really scared me so we bought a heater for his room. It's still on constant at the moment (it has a thermostat) but i'm hoping i'll be able to switch it off in the next few weeks. It's warm here during the day but night time is still cold and more so than other houses because we are down a steep hill (we're kind of in a valley). It's foggy almost every morning here until Summer! x
Babies are more likely to let you know they are too cold rather then too hot. Being to hot can cause cot death. So I have Joshua in a vest and thin sleep suit and he seemed perfectly fine with no blanket. We even had bedroom window open all night. He actually slept from 9ish to 7am only stirring ever so slightly once at half 5ish when temp dropped on thermometer so put cellular blanket on him and he went straight back t sleep.xx
I changed B into a 1 tog bag about 11 last night. Think I'll stick to it this week. He gets hot quite easily. X

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Our room was 22-24 last night so I just put her in a pjs (long sleeved) no vest and just a blanket. I really wanted to open the windows but our garden backs onto woods and those irritating little flies are everywhere and I didn't want them getting into the room. She seemed fine in what she was in last night but I always get paranoid about her overheating as its a big risk factor for SIDS so I'd always rather keep her too cool than too hot x

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