Want to be happy but fighting the urge to cry


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Oh bollocks.

My best friend seems to have got pregnant right off the back of having one of her ovaries removed - she's 14 week pregnant!

I'm really happy for her, really she is such a sweet girl and it is good news but at the same time i'm pretty upset for myself.

I live in a tiny village and amoungst all the pensioners there are a couple of women that will have babies in the same school year.

I was aiming for the same school year and was keeping my fingers crossed for my best friend having hers asap too after an ectopic.

Now all three of them are sorted and i'm having to cross my fingers for myself and it's shit.

My husband came home and i had a cry and then insisted on sex! lol

How can i be so happy and feel so rock bottom at the same time :wall2:
I'm sorry to hear you're low Louise. I know the feeling, everyone around me seems to either be pregnant or have just had a baby. I found out that one of my brother's friends has got his girlfriend pregnant and they've only been together 7 weeks! It's not fair.
I was talking with a friend of mine this week who knows I am TTC, and she said it's not been the right time for you so far, when the time is right it'll happen.
Just wanted to let you know that someone else is feeling the same as you. We've just got to stay positive and believe that when the time is right we'll get our BFP's.

aww :( well, it's understandable, you're happy for your friend, but desperate to be in the same situation... it will happen for you :) Just keep having plenty of sex :p
she said it's not been the right time for you so far, when the time is right it'll happen.

That's actually what my friend said when she told me... i have no idea what the odds are of her getting pregnant as soon as she tries after having an ovary removed - i was shocked. Really worried she'd have a hard time ttc.

She reckons it was just her time.

Must be one of those things that you have to be pregnant to appreciate :oooo:
aww louise i know how shit it is when everyone around you seems to be getting pg and we are stuck here trying our hardest and not getting anywhere! I have 2 friends how have recently announced their pregnancies - one wasnt planned and the other got pg in her first month of trying :-s

Just think when we get our BFP we are intitles to MUCH more fuss and attention because weve been trying longer! lol :) xx
That is great for her, she must have been really low after the ectopic pg and so scared about it lowering her chances. But I can totally see how hard it is on you when you've been trying a while. When my best friend got pregnant I was desperate to concieve as soon as possible with the idea that they would be in same year at school etc, but that was two years ago now and she's about to have her second and I'm still in the barren boat trying my hardest not to get really upset about it and trying my hardest to catch up..... the school year thing will come and go and when you get your bfp you really wont care anymore. xxxxx

She reckons it was just her time.

Must be one of those things that you have to be pregnant to appreciate :oooo:[/QUOTE]

I agree, I don't appreciate it when people tell me "it just isn't my time" to be honest. It really winds me up. Why isn't it my time? Why is it the knocked up 16 year old's time and not mine? Why isn't it my time when we have so much to offer?! grrr It's annoying.

It must be really hard to feel happiness untinged by jealousy.

Flopsybunny said:
It must be really hard to feel happiness untinged by jealousy.

I didn't think so at first, i tend to fall back on kama "Be good and good things happen" but it's definately becoming harder for me.

I am so impatient at the best of times and i rely on action to get me through - but i'm running out of ideas on how to help ttc.

When my husband came home he said "I hope you didn't let her know it made you feel bad" and i didn't - i was all smiles, but i do think i ushered her out of the house pretty quickly lol
LOL I would have done the same. It is so hard. I bought babygrows yesterday :blush: I'm getting into bad habits...

I bought babygrows yesterday

Oh no you didn't! lol! :lol:

I have been soooooo tempted sometimes to buy something for the child that has yet to be conceived and the only thing that stopped me was thinking that i wouldn't have anything to do when i do get pregnant and i'm waiting for labour.

I so badly want a drawer full of babygrows :blush:
LOL Glad I'm not the only ones. I bought 3 and have had to hide them from OH. He will be mad if he knows I'm hoarding. LOL

aw hun its not like you to be upset on here...i really hope u cheer up soon jut think positive because you should be happy you will have a little baby soon. sending u lots of hugs xxx
aw hun its not like you to be upset on here...i really hope u cheer up soon jut think positive because you should be happy you will have a little baby soon. sending u lots of hugs xxx

Aww thanks Shauna, you're a sweetie :hugs:

Yeah i know - i think i'm just realising how little i have control over it and no amount of wishful thinking can make it happen and it's a bit depressing...

I'm sure i'll be alright again soon enough ;)

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