Wanna Rip My Tummy Off


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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OK... A bit pointless maybe but I really need to moan!!

It's probably my own stupid fault cause I walked to my mates and back today and it's an hour each way... But OMG I have been getting some terrible BH!! Started on the way back and now I just wanna scream at my bloody stomach ha ha!! It's kinda like BH + good old ligament pain + pressure down below AND in my ribs all at the same time :(

Think I'm gonna have a nice warm bath in a minute then off to bed.... Silly me!! xx
Oh bless you hun, hope the bath helps and get some rest :) xx
Jump in the bath my love, lots of bubbles and just soak for half an hour!

You'll feel better after a good nights sleep too x
Feels funny :/ ha ha... Might walk more often... Not cause I'm a masochist or anything just cause it really does feel like it's helped her move down... And that's gotta be good right?? xx
She will be starting to move down hun for deffo, but don't overdo it! x
Maybe an hours walking a day instead of 2 :lol: xx
Awww :( hope your bath made you feel a bit better!!

Yehh it has ta :) Shame sleep is evading me though :( xx
Glad it helped! I can't sleep either, it's rotten eh :( xx
Indeed, sore boobies were keeping me awake..... And now it's cause I'm all excited cause I "leaked" for teh first time :rofl: I suddenly feel all womanly :blush: xx
Haha that made me laugh :lol: congrats on leaking!! ;)

Feel free :) :lol: Leaking's already getting on my nerves :mad: just leaked on the duvet! Ha ha ha! Bra on methinks!! xx
Just made coffee and toast. Still not been to sleep Im better off just not sleeping.... My bladder leeks not my boobs
You sure can Tracey, the more the merrier lol :p

I'm just bouncing about on my ball haha xxx
My bladder started leaking about a week ago and me boobs tonight :lol: Corr this lil madam best hurry up and arrive before anywhere else starts leaking!! :rofl:

Damn tea and toast sounds good.... I can do the tea bit but we're outta bread.... Hrmmm............ xx
You sure can Tracey, the more the merrier lol :p

I'm just bouncing about on my ball haha xxx

Sounds kinda fun :) I'm sat in bed next to OH wondering if making tea will wake him up ha ha xx
I just used my hubby for sex then left him to sleep ha ha. He has to get up for work at 6am. My son got swimming lessons means I should get up at 9 but see how I feel if I manage any sleep tonight...
Mmmm Tea and Toast sounds good!! Think I might go make some too :lol: I'm laughing at you using your OH for sex :rofl:

Just go make some heppi and if he moans at you tell him Franesca wanted it!! That's always my excuse ;) 'baby wanted it' or 'baby was wondering if...' always works lol

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