Very stupid baby clothes question


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2015
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This is an insanely stupid question but I don't know the answer so...I'm obvs trying to buy various clothing for when little one arrives and as we are team yellow it's pretty much just sleep suits and baby grows and vests at this question is...what is the difference between them? Obviously I know that sleepsuits have long arms and legs but would you put a vest underneath it (or under other clothes) or could they just wear a vest on its own (if just round the house in summer)? Also will they wear many long sleeve sleep suits in August? I genuinely have no idea what to get and can imagine turning up to the hospital with completely the wrong things :) also how many of each is an average but not over the top amount to stock up on? Much thanks :)
You can get "rompers" too which I think are a short sleeved, short legged all in one. You could put a vest under or go without depending on the heat. My friend had her baby last July and it was scorching. Baby was in vests most of the time - even when they went out it was vest + light blanket. If you think it's warm enough for just a vest top for yourself, chances are your baby won't need much more. On the other hand August doesn't necessarily mean sunny/hot! No idea about how many of each as I'm expecting my first and also not sure! xx
I'll be watching this thread with interest, as I'm as equally clueless!!

However my sister is a midwife and said that babies should always wear one more layer than you. So maybe if you sleep in a long sleeve top, maybe the baby should have a vest and a long sleeve baby grow, for example.
I remember with belle being told these two pieces of advise which I thought were really helpful (in amongst all the non helpful advise!)
1. Baby needs one more layer than you are wearing
2. Remember if you fold a blanket in half, that is the same as two blankets. This one is so simple, but it's amazing how when they are tiny you automatically go to fold a blanket before lying it on them xx
So a sleepsuit is the one with arms and legs your correct

A body suit or vest come in 3 types :

Long sleeved
Short sleeved
No sleeves

My sons a March baby and had a short sleeved bodysuit and sleepsuit - with a blanket where needed - if it was cold cold I'd use a long sleeved best but only had 1 pack of these vs 3/4 packs of short sleeved.

however this time around with an August baby I'm still going to apply same principle - of vest/bodysuit and sleepsuit. The weather will determine the layers really. It's just about common sense. Look at what your wearing - and apply an extra layer for a baby. They say they need 1 more layer than us. However check their back and chest for their temp and that will tell you if they are hot or cold. A cooler baby is better than a hotter. So if your baby is crying and you've done all the usual - try a blanket or another layer. It's trial and error as some babies like lots of layers others are more warm blooded.

You'd be surprised how quick you become acustom to dressing baby and understanding what they need. Don't let it overwhelm you! :)
Agree with all the girls, seems daunting but youll be so surprised how quick you learn whats what. Its all down to how your babies normal body temp is, noah was such a warm baby. He was born in July 2012 it was roasting! He actually got prickly hest the 1st week of his little life and had to live in a vest most days!

Anyway someone posted this while i was pregnant. Its about clothes but mostly grobags/sleeping bags :) xx

He didnt go in a sleeping bag until he was 4-5 months mind.

Just cellular blankets for the 1st few months and added more according to weather x
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Great advice from the other ladies! Ds was born last June and spent the first 3 months of his life in vests as it was just too warm. He didn't start wearing sleep suits until September. He is also an extremely warm child so the one extra layer than me doesn't apply to him! Typically awkward boy :lol: as the weather cooled, we did a short sleeve vest and sleep suit, then added a blanket. At 4 -5 months he was in clothes and pjs so was slightly different, but we've always put a vest on until the last few weeks. Nowt wrong with a summer baby in just a vest if it's scorching! :)

Vests are the vital bit. Better to be in just a vest than just a babygrow if hot as the best helps keep the nappy on. X
Agree with all of the above, ive had a oct/jan x2/feb and march babies so having a summer Aug baby is a new one on me!!
I'm going with my normal rules for now of short sleve vests and babygrows and if hot will just use a vest. Just need to make sure your pram/pushchair has sun protection/shading if skin exposed or not in summer really, I worry about exposed skin im summertime.
Sun cream is your summer baby's best friend JJ! Totally safe on their skin :)


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