Very Scared :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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At my routine midwifes appointment on Monday i mentioned that i'd had some itching on my arms and legs. The midwife took a blood test, explaining that this could be a sign of a liver condition (obsteric chloestasis). I was supposed to get my results yesterday but nobody contacted me so i took that as a good sign, however i still rang today to chase them up just to be on the safe side. The midwife said someone would get back to me and ten minutes later i had a call from the hospital saying that i have to go up there today at 3 to discuss my results and 'where we go from here'. That's all they'd tell me.

Needless to say i'm crapping my pants now, the one good thing is that i don't have too long to wait. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm hoping everythings OK but wouldn't be suprised if they want to induce me early by the sounds of it :( x
fingers crossed all is ok for you, maybe they want to monitor baby etc and talk about inducing u in next few days :) xxx
Not 100% sure what it is but reasons for you to worry less....

1. you'll be in a hospital- with all the medical know how you'll need at your disposal- and they'll know what to do

2. If baby has to come early- then it's not really that early your nearly 37 weeks so almost fully cooked so baby will be fine in the event you have him sooner rather than later

sending loads of hugs your way xxxxxx
Hope everything goes ok. you might be induced early :) xxx
I don't want to scare you at all about having to be induced earlier rather than later.... but it may be worth packing your hospital bag into your car and leaving it there just in case- that way if you do end up staying in and having your baby, someone can run down to the car and grab it for you- but it'll potentially be one less worry xxxxx
Fingers crossed for you hun. I'm sure everything is gonna be just fine. Xx
Oh hun take care and they will do whatever is best for you and baby. Good luck x
:hug: Everything crossed for you sweetie. At least you got it looked into, best always to mention these things and if you do have it they will do what's best for you and baby xxxxxxxxx
wondering is theres any updates...? hope everythings ok xxxx
Thanks for all your support ladies. Well i've been and to be honest i'm still not 100% sure of the outcome but it doesn't look like i'll be having baby right now which really did feel like a distinct possibility earlier!

Basically, i do have obsteric chloestasis but my liver is still functioning normally so for now they're just going to keep monitoring me through weekly blood tests to check that i don't deteriorate. I asked about the likelihood of being induced early and they said that this isn't routine anymore as recent research on the condition shows that the chances of baby being harmed by it are not that high, and induction of labour can have risks of it's own. Having said that, it really depends on the views of my consultant - if he feels strongly about the condition the he can advise that i do get induced at 38 weeks. And if i do go downhill then induction will become more likely.

I'm still worried by it all and don't really know whether i'd prefer to go full term with the condition or just get baby out early and know that he's OK. There doesn't seem to be much information about the condition and the doctors still don't know what causes it. But i guess all i can do is keep getting the blood tests and see how we go. At least i should have a week or so to prepare now! xxx
Relieved all is ok at the moment & FX it stays that way :) xxxx
Hi, I hope you don't mind me dropping in. I had itchy feet and was tested for OC a couple of times, the first time at about 35 weeks but it didn't show up. The 2nd time I got tested was at 39+4, I got at phone call at 39+6 to say I had OC but was due to see consultant the next day. My waters went that evening so ended up in hospital anyway.

In hospital I was constantly monitored because of the OC so just meant I was on the bed instead of being able to walk around, I had wanted an active birth.

Baby was totally born totally fine, it hadn't affected him and my liver has returned to normal since having him. Hope all goes well for you and at least they are monitoring you each week.
Hope all is ok hunny and they'll do what's best for you both xxxxxxxxx
Thanks again ladies.

Sassysugar, glad to hear you came out of it unscathed. I feel fine in myself, it's just that because they've found it at 36 weeks i'm going to have 4 weeks of worrying if i do end up going to full term. In the past the reason that they've induced labour early in people with the condition is because they thought it was linked to stillbirth and babies dying suddenly in the womb, which is clearly a horrendous thought. As soon as he said that i was like 'get baby out now'. But apparently this research no longer stands and the chances of a stillbirth etc are around 5 in 1000 in normal pregnancies and 5.4 in OC pregnancies so you can see that the risk is only 0.4 % higher than in a normal pregnancy (sorry to speak about this sort of horrible stuff).

So basically i'm just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping the bloods all come back stable. It is a worry though and i'm hoping bubs decides to make an early appearance on his own now xx

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