just back from consultant :( *updated*


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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on monday my own doc took blood tests that tested for loads of things after me complaining about come itching i had.

she then referred me to my mw, i saw her yesterday and she was concerned as i was still scratching away. she referred me into the hospital to see a consultant today.

had my appointment as 2.30, had just said to my OH the itching wasnt that bad anymore and felt i was wasting their time however when we got called in he checked my urine which had protein and lucocytes in it so he has sent that away for further analysis. then he pulled up my blood result tests and it showed elevated liver enzymes and he said this has to be investigated. he mentioned again OC and said he's going to do a ruling out investigation. he took blood which takes 7 days to come back, and i am waiting a phone call to go in and get a scan of my liver and gall bladder.

then i have an appointment at 2.10 next thursday to discuss a plan of action.

im quite scared as i didnt expect the results to show anything other than the consultant say its a pregnancy itch but he was so honest with us and said my bloods shouldnt be like that.

i am calling my own midwife tomorrow to update her so im going to see if she can explain more what the tests may show and what it may be other than OC.
Aww hun sorry you've had scary news :hug: :hug:

I think they may be worried you have obstetric cholestasis. There is a sticky at the top of this forum about it which has some links and some more info here.

The main thing to focus on is that they are monitoring you and that medical conditions in pregnancy, once diagnosed, are manageable and treatable. Try not to worry about it and good luck with your midwife tomorrow - I'm sure she'll be able to talk you through what it might be :hug: :hug:
Aw sorry its not gret news, isnt it funny how we all brush things off and expect the medical profs to think we are overreacting! Glad they are monitoring you well, hope its sorted fast for you
It's best that everything is being checked hun. They sound like they are doing their job properly
and making sure you get the correct care and treatment. Good luck xx
At least they are looking after you properly and are on the case. :hug: :hug: I am sure whatever the outcome, you will find the best way to deliver your little girl and will be holding her in your arms before you know it. :hug: :hug:
Did he say what it might be??

That is very scary especially having to wait but just wait and see what he says may be nothing...

Try not to worry... :hug:
ok iv spoke to my midwife so im understanding it a bit better now.

the consultant thinks it is obstetric cholestatis as my blood results for LFT is elevated but not to the extent that he had to keep me in so if it is cholestatis we have caught it early. to diagnose cholestatis he has tested for other causes of elevated LFT results which is virual hep and also checked my kidneys but he has repeated this as my results on Monday were negative.

i am in on Monday at 12 for a scan of my liver and gall bladder to rule out gall stones and on Thursday when i see him he is going to discuss all the results and tell me what we have to do next, if its a diagnosis of cholostatis he said they will do intense monitoring and consider starting me as early as 37 weeks :shock:

i have mixed emotions at the moment, worried for our baby is an understatement and im also slightly worried in case its me that the problem and they find something horrible. my mind is in overdrive, all i can do is sit and wait for results. he wrote my exact results down in my book and they make no sense so i tried searching the net for answers but i couldnt find the noraml range to compare it to my results. probably a bad idea anyway as the net is full of rubbish that'l make me worry more! if anyone has any experience of OC id really appreciate some advice on what your tests were and steps they took for you.

thank you
I don't know what to say hun, I'm just so glad whatever it is has more than likely been caught early :hug:

They'll keep a close eye on you and will make sure you and baby are taken care of in the best possible way.

37 weeks is full term so don't worry about that!! They can monitor bubs much better outside the womb (and you of course) so if they do need to induce early, then you csan both get the best care that way.

Lots of hugs for you :hug: :hug: Must be a stressful time but I'm glad you didn't have to wait *too* long for a bit more info x
Aww hun :hug: :hug: im sorry it wasn't good news but is good they caught it early! :hug: Hope all goes well on monday and thursday! :hug:
Try not to worry too much hun :hug: Easier said than done, I know. The good news is they're monitoring you and have caught it early. You're in good hands :hug:

It might be worth PMing whoever started the sticky at the top of the page - sorry can't remember who it was but they had obstetric cholestasis.

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