Very sad news - Tracey 2

OMG tracey i am so so sorry hun
i am always here if u need to talk
RIP lil chloe
OMG :cry: :cry:

I'm so so sorry darlin :hug: words really cannot describe how upset I am for you, I just want you to know we're all here for you :hug:
I have just seen this, she text me last night to say she was on way to hozzie, she had pulled her back and it was painfull.....I just logged on, been out all day and seen this....I dont know what to do or say, I feel numb and in shock..I text her an hour a go to see how she was, I didnt know this had happened :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh my word NOOOOO!!! This is the worst news ever, my heart is breaking for them all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
my heart goes to u tracey i cant even guess what ure going through both of u r in my thoughts god bless chole xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :cry:
I am still in shock, I wanted to say more before...........

Chloe little angel, Ruby and I were so looking forward to meeting you, I know you will be watching down on your mummy now, keep her safe and strong...your darling sister Carrie Ann will be playing with you now, rest in peace sweet one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:hug: :hug: My heart goes out to you both at this sad time. rest in peace little Chloe :hug:
i am so so so sorry for you & steve tracey, words cannot say.
RIP Chloe. :hug: :hug:
omg. i am so very very sorry.

how utterly awful.

:hug: to you both

please send her my love.


RIP Chloe
OMG Tracy, i just don't know what to say, i truly am speechless. God only knows how you are coping at this such terribly sad time but i hope you have the strength left to get thru this. :hug: Why,why, why?? :hug:

Chloe, rest in peace darling little one, keep an eye out for your ever loving mummy and daddy who will always love you. sweet dreams hunny :hug:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
OH My God. Tracey I'm so so sorry hunny, i wish there was something I could do. Sending you all the hugs and love in the world :hug:
tracey - you have been through so much - why did this have to happen to you both - I'm am absolutely devastated for you both and so so sad.

I am here for you anytime babe - please please don't struggle alone - anytime you want to talk, there will always be people here for you.

Lots of love and hugs


Valentine xxx
oh noooooooooooooo tracey and steve im so so sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
rest in peace little chloe
x x x

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