back from bristol.. good news and bad news (from littlejen)

OMG poor you, what a decision to have to make :cry: :hug:

She has come this far, she is obviously a very strong little girl. We are all praying and hoping for you, and we all wish you all the luck in the world for monday. :pray:

What a horrible decision to need to make- I think I would have made the same choiced as you.

Will be thinking of you and your little fighter on Monday :hug:
Dear littlejen -

A very very difficult decision to make for you and your OH, but I feel that I would have made the same choice as you have - delivery on Monday. Our little nephew was born early, at 28 weeks, 3 weeks ago and he's a little fighter too. It is amazing what modern medicine can do these days.

Wishing you all the very best for the next few weeks

Thinking of you at this very difficult time little jen it must be so so hard for you and oh.

I. like all the other ladies on her will be thinking of you too on monday and wish you and your little fighter all the love in the world.

Take care and keep us posted where possible :hug: :hug: :hug:
you are all in my thoughts and prayers,

good luck for Monday, fingers crossed that everything goes well.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck on whatever you decide!

Mother's instinct is best and only you will know what to do eventually, don't let anyone force you into a decision. Whatever you decide, the doctors will keep a very good eye on you.

I believe once your LO is out, she will become stronger, she already has a very good and strong will by the sounds of it.

Good luck and I'll pray for you!
:hug: I would have decided the same - at least she can get 24 hour expert medical care outside.
I'm sure Monday will be fine! :hug:
You're in my thoughts and prayers, best of luck for Monday :hug:
I think you are making the right decision, although I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling.

I know a girl that gave birth at 24 weeks and the baby only weighed 1lb but she's now out of hospital and doing great. There is hope.

I hope & pray that all goes well for you & your little girl.

Thinking of you all. :hug:
:hug: :hug: im so sorry you have had to make such a hard decision but i feel that you have made the right one. your little girl has been such a fighter so far and im praying that with all the medical help she will get she will keep on fighting. you will be in my thoughts on monday.

Just wanted to wish you all the best for Monday - you have had to make a very tough decision, and follow your heart.
You are in my thoughts & prayers as always, she sounds like a true fighter, and if she has a strong heartbeat then she has every chance of battling through this.
Good luck for Monday. Still thinking of you and praying for u all. :hug: x x x x x
Oh Jen thats fantasic news, the last I heard was that your little one was going to pass over the weekend which was a couple of weeks ago and now you have another couple of weeks under your belt. :hug: :cheer: I haven't been online because I haven't had internet. But I have been thinking about you alot and what was happening. I think that whatever road you take you are making the best decision possible. I wish you all the luck for Monday...and that you gorgeous little girl is born safe and fights all the way... Good luck to you all... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think you have definatly made the right choice, it is what I would have done without a doubt.
Good luck for monday and our thoughts will be with you. :hug: :hug:

Thanks for keeping us updated we would be going out of our minds otherwise :hug:
Hi hunny

Just want to tell you that you are so brave. It was such a hard decision and I couldnt have made the decision I just wouldn't know what to do. You really are brave.

I have been thinking about you so much hun. I have a good feeling everything will be ok.

I will be thinking of you hun and I wish you the best of luck tomorrow. I will be praying for you.

Take care hun.
All the best for tomorrow hope everything goes ok. :hug:

Will be thinking of you. :hug:

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