Very Hairy Tummy! Sign of a boy?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all,

bit embarrassing but since I've been pregnant, my tummy has got really hairy and it's quite dark hair aswell!

I'm also suffering from a lot of acne on my shoulders, back and face.

I rekon these are signs that I'm having a boy as I can't believe a girl would cause such testosteroney changes!!

What does everyone else think? Has anyone had one of each and if so, were things like hair growth and spots etc, different?
I've noticed that I've got more hair around the belly now too.
And I've had a couple of dreams where I gave birth to a boy.
One month to go til my 20 week scan, hopefully I can find out the gender.
yea i got hair too :( will let u know as my 20week scan and 4days is on monday :)

Was just showing my friend my tummy yesterday and mentioned how hairy and dark my tummy is :? I hate it , think im going to pluck one by one out :lol:
mines light hairs tho, hmm maybe i try shav them with a delicate shave so baby wont even know what mummys doing :lol:
I've got an ahiry tum and had bad skin for a while it is said to indicate a boy and thats what i'm havin who knows??? :)
I have a hairy tummy too. I noticed it about 16 weeks pg I think, although I am fair haired so its not too obvious!

I am having a girl, (2 seperate opinions).
well yeah the hairy tummy is meant to be a sign of a boy, i had a hairy tummy, not sure about the acne though my skin has been clear ever since i got pregnant, i used to have the odd one or two before so its improved my skin :)
I have a hairy tummy too and having a boy..had the odd spot but not many.
It's those pregnancy hormones again is the hair growth, though interesting theory that hair means boy :lol: I got a few very long hairs just below my belly button, I think they're cute :rotfl:
Well I have the hairy tummy, extra hair 'down below' :oops: and armpit hair you could plait. Never usually that hairy is those areas so combined with the spots I got between 12 - 16 weeks, I was pretty certain I was carrying a boy when I went for my 20 week scan... and it seems I am! :D
well i do not seem to have the hairy tummy but i do have spots on my face and back which are wuite bad so who knows... will be interesting to see of you are having a boy!

I have a really hairy stomach too - am starting to compete with my DH!! :oops: I have spots too, which I had before (was on the pill to control my hormone levels as well as a contracpetion before) but I have them on my chest and back now which I never had before.... urm.... attractive - NOT!
I know! My DH was laughing at me the other night before bed. He was peering a my tummy and said "wow! you weren't joking about the hair!"

I think everyone gets more hairy during pregnancy, but a lot of people get fine, light hair. Mine is thick, cark and all over my tummy (nice!).

I've always thought I'm having a boy so I can't wait for my 20 week scan to see if I'm right!!
I have a couple of hairs just below my belly button now and spots on my face and shoulders :(
Will be interesting to see if its a boy, so much for the blooming skin in pregnancy :roll:

I have very very fine hairs which are very hair is usually dark!

No spots or acne and I'm having a boy! :D
I am the same as you KJ - my stomach hairs are very dark - I have a line up the centre which are like pubes - really thick and coarse!! the rest is quite downy but still black!

was going to buy a tankini - glad I haven't!!
I am the odd one out :oops: I have got :oops: a VERY hairy bump since I was 10 weeks, and loads of spots around my mouth which I never have before!! But I am having a girl :D ,
I had a very hairy tummy when i was pregnant and had a little girl! They are slowly falling off but still visble annoying as i had no stretchmarks just a very hairy belly lol!
I have noticed my hair "down below" is thicker and courser since I've been pregnant. It seems harder to shave or remove :think: Plus it seems to have stretched up a bit further than normal and is now creeping towards my tummy! :shock:

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