vbac nerves


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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im having a complete nervous breakdown at thought of my vbac [fingers crossed ] birth im so scared it gona go so quickly wrong like last time that it makes me reconsider a elective section but i dont think living in an upstairs flat id cope with a sec to well which puts me off :wall2: im not scared of labour pain and tbh iv been told i will be epiduraled as soon as im admited so not gona feel alot anyway is this fear natural!:eh:
Course the fear is natural! If you dont mind me askin, how come your last birth ended in c-sec? And what are the complications of a VBAC?

Fingers crossed you get the vbac you want eh. Every birth is different! xx
of course its gonna be natural, but you're gonna be carefully looked after and in the best of hands!! i know this is far easier said than done but try to keep calm abuot it and take each step as it comes.... if you nee a section in the end you will need one but at least you will feel better and happier knowing that you followed your plan as bestas possible as opposed to just rushing straight to a sec...

sorry if thats not made you feel any better, just remember you're in the hands of proffesionals....

XXX hugs xxx
Course the fear is natural! If you dont mind me askin, how come your last birth ended in c-sec? And what are the complications of a VBAC?

Fingers crossed you get the vbac you want eh. Every birth is different! xx

i was induced at 40+10 with dd i also had high bp and depleted watrers so went in on thurs for induction by fri got to 2cm had drip put up and waters were broken but i didnt progress at all and by 4am the following day her heartbeat dipped repeatedly so within 5 mins of my mum being sent home for sleep i was rushed thru for sec

for me the problem with vbac are my age my weight and my bp which fingers crossed is down at mo
I'm in exactly the same boat hon. Opted for VBAC and nervous as it gets closer....think it's probably natural to feel like this. Hope it goes how u want hon and here if u want to chat x x x
Big big hugs x I def think nerves are natural! X I'd be nervous too! x hope you're ok x I can't offer any advice as am not in your situation but I'm sending you lots of hugs x x

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