Scarlett Seren Elizabeth


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Hey guys, sorry its taken me so long to update everyone... Our laptop is playing up so i'm hoping it doesnt die while i'm typing this out!!

As some of you know I had a section with my DS in 2008 after being in labour for 60 hours with him being back to back and a deflexed head, so was hoping for a VBAC this time.

A couple of days before my due date I started getting very irregular BH that were giving me a slight dragging feeling above my pubic bone, they werent painful, just like period pain and were lasting anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds, stopping and starting. I put it down to her head dropping down as I knew she was only slightly engaged.

On my due date we got a curry and I bounced on my ball while we watched big brother, all of a sudden I got really tired, I could barely keep my eyes open so decided to hit the sack! As I walked out the living room my husband said 'the baby is soming tomorrow' I just laughed and told him I wasnt that lucky and I was going to end up going way overdue.

Well I had the best nights sleep that ive had in about 3 months, didnt even wake up to go for a wee. I was woken up by our DS at about half 8 and REALLY REALLY needed to wee, felt like my bladder was going to pop. I went to the loo and got a really funny dragging pain across the bottom of my bump. Went back to the bedroom and told hubby that i thought something was happening. About 2 minutes later I got my first 'proper' contraction, I was getting lots of pain in and just above my pubic bone, kinda where my c-sec scar is. I panicked a bit as you get scare mongered about the risks of your scar rupturing so phoned the labour ward. She assured me that it was perfectly normal to get pains in that area and to have a bath, take paracetamol etc etc.

I told hubby to take DS out for a bit as I didnt want to scare or upset him, just as he was ready to leave I had to shout him to stop as I really needed to go to hospital, felt like every single contraction was getting stronger and closer together. My mum came up to take DS, i was upstairs hoping that she wouldnt come up to talk to me as I was really having to zone out to cope.

Hubby phoned hospital and told them he was bringing me in and we eventually managed to get into the car at about 10.30. I had about 3 contractions on our drive while i was trying to force myself to sit down on the car seat. The drive to hospital was a complete blur, i'm just so glad that rush hour was over!! My contractions were about 3 mins apart when we got into the car and by the time we'd made the 15 minute journey there was literally 30 seconds break between them! Got to the hospital to find the car park completely packed but luckily someone was leaving as we got there.

I got up to labour ward and was starting to really really panic that history would be repeating itself and I would go in to be examined and told that I was only 3cm and to take some paracetamol and go home and relax. I knew that as much pain as I was in I wouldnt be able to cope with it for much longer.

We headed to the triage desk and i had a huge contraction, a midwife came up to us and said 'Oh, i think you need to be in a delivery suite!' I was wisked down a corridor while telling the midwife that i''d changed my mind about a VBAC and I wanted a section and I wanted one now!!!!

She managed to coax me up onto the bed with the promise of an epidural, when she examined me I was trying to prepare myself to be told I was 3cm. She turned to me and said 'Well you'll have to do this because your fully dilated!!' I honestly dont think i believed her. I had only been having contractions for 2 hours!

I very quickly started on the G&A which wasnt really doing much but gave me someting to concentrate and bite on! I started pushing at about 11.45am and the midwife asked if she could rupture my waters and said that as soon as she did that the baby would be born. I refused (???) because when I had my son I had my waters broken and this caused him to get wedged in a dodgy position. I carried on pushing anoth 15 mins then agreed for her to break my waters. They were stained with fresh meconium and I freaked a bit as I had visions of consultants rushing in with forceps trying to get her out quickly! I gave one massive push and that was it, she was entirely born in one push! There wasnt even time for the second midwife to come in so DH got more than he bargined for and practically delivered her himself!!!

I unfortunately had a 3rd degree tear so had to be taken off to theatre to be put back together!! 47 stitches and 2.5hours later I got to be reunited with my LO. She is absolutley perfect and the spitting image of her big brother when he was born!! 9lb 6oz lots of dark hair and big chubby cheeks with dimples!!

Breast feeding is going amazingly well and she is sleeping well too. Hoping she isnt trying to lure us into a false sense of security!!

thanks guys for all your support and advice during my pregnancy, I am so amazed that I managed to get my VBAC and that it was a world away from last time! Will try to pop in and keep up with you all, good luck and lots of love
Well done Hun xx congrats I'm hoping for a VBAC too xxx

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Woooooh! Congratulations! Gorgeous name! x no wonder you had 3rd degree tear if she was born in one push! x glad all is going well x so happy for you x
awww what a nice story glad all went well for you. What a good weight she was xxxxx
so pleased you got your vbac! 47 stitches?! Yowsers! Still, all worth it eh? Well done, beautiful name too x :love:
47 stitches!!!! WOW! sounds like an amazing birth though- big well done x
wow!!!! congrats and glad it all went well for you, I'm hoping for my Vbac aswell xx
Congrats! Love the name Seren, that's my choice if we have a girl xx
Wow that was a fast labour! Well done and many congratulations xx
Thank you everyone! Think i'm still a bit in shock at how quick it all went!! Definately easier than last time! Guess it just shows you that the docs arent always right, last pregnancy i was told that my baby was too big to fit through my pelvis and thats why he's got stuck ! This little one is quite a bit bigger and didnt seem to have any problems getting out! Good luck to everyone hoping for a VBAC, i know it might sound daft but i think its mentally very healing to have a vaginal birth after having had a section. Still cant get over the feeling of 'I did it!!' xxxxx
Congratulations. Great story. Glad you got your VBAC. Had to cross my legs at the 47 stitches bit though!!

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