VBAC after first Section, after 15 months from birth to birth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Right I had section with Leo. I have a choice to have another one or try naturally. Just wondered if anyone else has had two babies in the same sort of time space and had a VBAC after a section.

I am so worried if I try naturally I will get a uterine rupture. I have no idea what one is so any responses would be great.

So far just gave them I will try naturally if baby comes before 38 weeks. So unsure x
I had a successful VBAC after a first c-section however there was 14 years of a difference! I fully enjoyed my VBAC and would do it again in a heartbeat. However the only thing I didn't like was the fact that I was closely monitored to the point where they wouldn't let me down/off the bed to stand by the bed or hang over the back of the bed whilst I was on the bed...these positions would have helped me better pain wise I feel but they were adamant that I had to stay on the bed on my back. All went fine though and I fully enjoyed giving birth but next time I'll be telling them what I want :lol:

The very idea of uterine rupture was a huge thing for me and I stressed about VBAC up until I had no choice and my waters broke! I was either going naturally by my due date or they'd agreed to another c-section if I went overdue cos I didn't want to be induced.

I hope someone on PF with the same gap between c-section and VBAC is able to give you some advice. Good luck in whatever you decide. x
Yeah its a pickle as I would be induced at 38 weeks which puts me at a higher risk for the rupture x So I don't know what to do x I got caught with this one when my Lo was 6/7 months x
Hey hun, I'm wondering the same thing. My little boy got stuck and I tried to tell them there was something wrong but they wouldn't listen thinking I was just being a wuss. After 2 days they discovered that he was stuck and did and emergency c section. I was also induced at 38 weeks and don't want to be induced again. I would like to try vbac but I'm petrified that something will happen or go wrong. It was so scary last time I can't work out what is the best option. Sorry I can't help with your decision but I will be stalking this thread to see everyone's views x
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