Ello Becky
There is alot of evidence to suggest that the number of women who suffer uterine rupture during a vbac are usually those who have had induction drugs to bring on or augment their labour and contractions...
I think Bex has some links she posted on a thread i started on here bout monitoring vbac possibly?
Its cos the contractions come on fast and hard with induction drugs and it can put the scar under too much pressure. I've been told by my consultant that they won't induce me under any circumstances which i was most relieved about and I think its a GOOD thing that they are taking this line now with our obstetric care.
Nobody has said anything to me about me goin so overdue then having an elective c-section
Mind you I have done alot of reading into natural induction methods and have written about these in my birth plan and discused with the midwives aswell who are all very supportive. There's some excellent stuff about natural induction in Ina May Gaskin - Guide to Childbirth and Spiritual Midwifery.
My plan is to start taking raspberry leaf capsules from 37 weeks, continue with my walking regime and spend lots of time bouncing on my ball, lots of sex with OH (i got me mojo back last night thank fekk for that
) , and then as i come up to due date i shall be actively stimulating nipples daily and am gonna ask for a membrane sweep at 40 weeks. I'm also quite open to the idea of using castor oil if all else fails. Am gonna steer clear of the hot curry idea cos last thing i want is savage heartburn haha!
I've yet to discuss this with the midwife but will do at my 36 week appt. i want to know if i could access a reflexologist or accupuncturist through the nhs as they have told me no induction drugs... well if thats the case then i sincerely hope they will be up for bringing in more holistic therapists who might be able to get things going for me if required...
The reason why I am gonna do all this rather than let nature take its course, is that I am really very focussed on having a vaginal birth this time round and would rather get natural induction methods going and flowing before they start muttering about overdueness and elective c-sections
gives me more time to do it my way