Vaginal Bleeding with Bowel Movement


New Member
Dec 12, 2008
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Hi there. I'm 12 weeks pregnant and i just passed quite alot of blood while having a BM. It stop again straight away and i'm sure it was from the vagina.

Can anyone put my mind at rest???
Hi hun, this actually happened to me when I was 16 weeks pregnant (on the morning of my wedding!). I was so convinced that it was from my vagina that I spent ages calling the maternity unit. It turns out it was indeed from by botty due to piles! There was just so much of it that when I wiped from having a tiddle, it was around the front.

So I would say try not to worry, especially if you aren't having any bad cramping, but call your doc/midwife for some advice. If you're not sure, they may just check you over to be on the safe side.

Thanks for that. I'm going to the EPU for a scan tomorrow just to be on the safe side.

Also i feel very achey down below and down the front of my legs. I never had any of this in my first pregnancy so its worrying me!
Good luck hun, I hope all goes well at the EPU for you :hug: :hug:
Thanks all :D

Hopefully all will be ok.

Has anyone else had the aching sensation down below :oops: and in the legs?
bunbuns said:
Thanks all :D

Hopefully all will be ok.

Has anyone else had the aching sensation down below :oops: and in the legs?

I've had that the last few days. My legs feel really heavy and my tummy's sore and achey. I'm sure they're just normal things related to the changes in our body and I think I probably subconsciously hold myself different now so that's making other parts of my body ache.

How did it go at the epu? :hug:

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