

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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right can anyone help me out please.
12 weeks pregnant what does this mean???
firstly earlier on today i had really bad stabbing pains in my vagina which was really sore with any movement. I also felt like i was going to faint and be sick. I called the midwife they assured me everything was ok it was just the baby pushing down on my vagina and as long as theree was no blood i would be ok. Half an hour ago i went to the toilet to find i was bleeding rather heavy i panicked only thing that was going through my head was miscarriage as i have already had two. I called nhs they told me to monitor it for an hour put a pad on and relax and drink plenty of water. Has anyone else experienced this?? What does itt mean i cant stop thinking the worse. Also the nurse asked me if i had done anything different to normal and yesterday i had went swimming and i felt like i done a little to much

Can anyone help me please plus its the weekend all emergency scan places are closed which means i need to wait until monday :(:( has anyone else had bad bleeding and still been ok with their pregnancy???
My friend had quite bad bleeding on and off throughout her pregnancy and had healthy baby boy. If it gets worse or doesn't stop I'd go to a&e, they should have ultrasound monitors there or at least be able to help you. I'm sorry I can't be more help, didn't want to read and run. Big hugs for you chick. Fingers crossed all is ok.
if you are still bleeding in an hour especialy if it is bright red blood go to a+e you may have just overdone things
Awww please go straight to A and E hun esp if the blood was bright red. They will scan you....i hope you and your bubs are ok ((hugs)) xxx
just went to a + e the doctors told me they cant do anything until monday yeah its bright red blood its not heavy its stopped a little. just need to cross my fingers and toes
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A&E hun :hug: I hope everything is ok xx
I hope you are ok hun x its soooo hard not to worry, my sister bled quite alot of red blood (heavy) through her pregnancy and her baby is fine. I think it's if the cramps get really hard to bear and you start to lose clots. fingers crossed for you hun, you might of just overdone it xxxxxxxx
ahh Hun, really try to rest up and do nothing all weekend!
I bled bright red blood at 11 weeks with one of my kids, and when they scanned me they could see a little bit of the placenta had come away a bit, nothing further happened, all fine it settled itself down with a little rest, some more blood came away but they said some got reabsorbed, and hes a healthy 9 year old now!

You may have overdone things as I prob did then. Try to keep postive
How is every thing today hun? bleeding gone yet? x
yeah the bleeding has gone now its still very light when going to the toilet.

its really weird but i think i could have had an urine infection because when i went to the toilet it was really but this morning all pain has gone which am quite relieved about.
Hope all is ok Hun, good that the bleeding has calmed down xx
:hug: my fingers are crossed for you hun, try and relax (easy for me to say I know!) until you can have a scan tomorrow, as others have said, lots of people bleed but for different reasons, chances are you will be fine :hug:
great news that it has calmed down a lot, must be a good sign. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow.
right just bk from the hospital there. everything went fantastic i am 13 weeks and 3 days and the baby is doing fine i seen its little arms and it had its little legs crossed sooo cute. I got another 2 scans which i will upload later. Woop am now in the 2nd trimester:dance::dance::dance:
ooohhhh thats brill so happy for yu xxxxx
Oh well done, so pleased for you, now you can relax
as promised my little baby at 13 weeks 3 days


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