Usernames....bit of fun!!!

Mines hard to explain!! :?

We have a rescue dog whose name is Lucky but because she was rescued we have always called her 'The Lucky One.' Then I became 'The Mummy One' and OH became 'The Daddy One' so when we found out I was pregnant we decided to call the bump Bubble hence 'BubbleOne' !!!!

How sad!!! :oops:
Hypnorm - well..i work as a veterinary nurse and Hypnorm is one of the drugs we use for anaethetising rabbits and small furries - and i liked the drug name! its also give halucinations!! (i'm not a druggy!!!)
I love this thread it's so interesting I have often wondered why people call themselves certain names :D
When I registered I was about 6-7 weeks pregnant and had a - erm - very little bump.

Now I have a little girl!! Name wasn't very well thought through was it? LOL!!

Sasswa is just a nickname I gained with mates in Oz. Sarah is my real name and nickname started out as Sass and then everyone just added the "wa" at the end.......lots of friends of mine grew up in Asia too (expats) and I have friends living in Asia still so bit of an asian slant on Sass really.
well... my name is willow and i was born on 10th october (10/10) so willow1010 lol mines borin 2

love xx willow xx
Well my name is Samantha Ryn (I don't like my name at all) but since I can remember my mum has called me Sami hence my name.....
She never did spell it the 'normal way' (sammy) so 'Sami with an I' stuck.

Yep, I'm another boring one. :lol:
mines from my first baby scan picture, - so its actually the name of baby at present as we dont know the sex

the lil blob on the scan pic looked like it had a tale - like a fish tale - so we call it shamu after the killer whale at seaworld! (have since had it confirmed that baby does actually have two legs and im not going to give birth to a mermaid!! lol)

when my sister was expecting her first, i said her scan looked like a bean - her baby bump was then known as butterbean for her entire pregnancy too!
mine is just a name of an album from a fav band of mine, and i love the front cover:

We aleways call things that are cute in our house "beans" so the cat is a little bean etc. When we saw baby at scan it was cute so she was a squggly bean and I just called myself after her hence beanie
Hey Mel where you been hiding?!!! LOL
Aint seen you here for ages! How is the TTC going?

Steph x
mine is quite self explanatory name is Helen, which is shortened to many, but i thought H may be a bit short for a user name, and most friends either call me hels or H.
I'm another with no imagination.

'Tracy' is never available so I never bother trying. I don't actually know what my initials are - McCarthy-Allen so is it McC-A or MCA or ????
Michelle is my middle name hence TracyM

My maiden name was Pilkington (we should have used that when we got married!!!!), so I use Pilky or p1lky sometimes, but it's a bit blokey
another non imaginative one im afraid, i am a mummy, my name is Sian so MummySian.
Well mine is soooooo obvious and boring!!!!!!

I'm Lisa - but the only thing is, is that it was my birthday last month so really I should be Lisa32 lol

L x
Mine is obvious too, im called jenny, my surname begins with an r, and I was born in 1985!!took me ages to think of that!lol!
there are some pretty good names on here lol okay my name is Jess and i looked pretty fat and juicy a few months back so.... JUICYJESS is what i came up with i liked it because it was true but sounded pretty sexy too lol!! :D

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