updates on moi


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Today Ive just got nothing. It just all feels normal. :roll: Im just being a lazy slob and kind of decided that nothings gonna happen, and im ok with that. Yesterday I was a bit frantic trying to get everything ready, making sure my hair had been washed etc...

No idea whats changed today, havent had many BHs :oooo:

so take me off labour watch!
:( Serously...these babies need to get their act together!!
Nice and comfy don't want to move bless um!!! X x

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God that was almost as big a tease as RMs thread last night!! Babyl come when they're ready!!
you are keeping them too happy :) awwww Hope things start moving for you soon xxx
I couldn't be making my stomach less inhabitable if I tried yet the damn child is still well and truly stuck in there!

Come on kiddies!!!! :D
I know, I thought all the spicy food Ive been eating would make baby want to leave!! :lol:
Are you still doing lots of bouncing Tiny? I thought my baby would have bounced out by now what with the amount of time I'm spending on the ball, things do definitely get moving / feel different afterwards but it doesn't last long....lots of BH's today though, and I can definitely feel a head in my pelvis. Can't get comfortable at all!!
I havent bounced today, OH has moved the coffee table and I cant bounce in front of the tv anymore. Gotta wait forhim to come home to get it back. I cant be bothered anyway today, I feel sooo tired!

Im having more BHs this afternoon. And some low down front and back aches like yesterday but after yesterday Im jus thinking whatever, this isnt labour.
or a quiet one if we were all in hospital lol!
Very exciting that you're so close but so disappointing that they're getting your hopes up then..............nothing! x
Im having period pains with my BHs.... I think theyre coming and going but lasting quite a long time.:eh: and I still have the dull ache when the BH is over. Im trying to pretend that Im not excited and I dont care but Im getting my hopes up again :roll:

Think Im just gonna go shower and wash my hair n shave my legs just incase!!:lol:
Im having period pains with my BHs.... I think theyre coming and going but lasting quite a long time.:eh: and I still have the dull ache when the BH is over. Im trying to pretend that Im not excited and I dont care but Im getting my hopes up again :roll:

Think Im just gonna go shower and wash my hair n shave my legs just incase!!:lol:

Ooh - get shaving! Send some pain my way yeah? ;)
lol havent had any more pain or BHs since I posted... maybe they are regular but just spaced out?!?!?
I get LOADS of BH but only one or two of them a day are actually any painful - I want to be in agony NOW!!!!! :terrie:
Its a sad fact that babies only come when they are ready - its incredibly frustrating especially since Im practically disabled with my hip now. If only there was a magic potion to drink..then again there's always castor oil? Anyone desperate enough for that yet? :lol:

I would just try and rest as much as you can because things are about to change forever :hug:

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