updates on moi

tiny haha bless you.. it wont start until monday for you!
think youre right isobel. Im having these slow contractions that never come to anything. Ive noticed a pattern tho and decided that Im going to go into labour at about 7pm :)

When I first started getting (totally painless) BHs they would start around 7pm and last for the evening then nothing through the day. Gradually they'd start getting earlier and eventually throught the day. Then the first time I started to feel mild period pain with them was around 7pm then the same thing. Now Im sitting here at 5.45am feeling tightenings and lower back ache. But its just random non regular stuff.

NOT yet desparate for castor oil, I actually dont want baby to be born today cos its my birthday and my mums not arriving with my presents until 9pm! :rofl:
Keep your legs crossed today then tiny :)

So your getting BHs this morning then? the day you dont want baby here because you've got plans, he/she will turn up!

Happy birthday!! :cake2:

Hope the little guy stays put for you - although what a birthday present that would be?! :D
Happy Birthday Tiny, maybe you'll have a birthday baby like megsmeadow did! I don't get on here as much as i'd like at the moment, but want to wish everyone who's due (seems to be quite a few) lots of love and luck, won't be long now and i'll look forward to reading your birth stories and seeing pictures of the gorgeous little ones xx
Happy birthday Tiny! Hope you have a good day, you never know, baby might be the ultimate pressie!
haha tasha love that you came out of a cake dancing for me :love:

It would be the ultimate birthday present, but I dont wanna spend the rest of my birthdays at boys birthday parties!! :rofl:
You know why Tiny hasnt updated don't you other than cause of other things she had going on. I bet you her OH proposed and it shocked her into labour the size of the ring :rofl:
:clock: Tiny where are you? Is there a ring? A baby? Both????
You know why Tiny hasnt updated don't you other than cause of other things she had going on. I bet you her OH proposed and it shocked her into labour the size of the ring :rofl:

:rofl: Maybe! lol! She's not been on today like...

You're meant to be her text buddy anyway - haven't you heard anything Vix?
You know why Tiny hasnt updated don't you other than cause of other things she had going on. I bet you her OH proposed and it shocked her into labour the size of the ring :rofl:

:rofl: Maybe! lol! She's not been on today like...

You're meant to be her text buddy anyway - haven't you heard anything Vix?

Nope - might drop her a sneaky text though :lol:
Think she was having friends over today :lol: She'll be busy with that :D
she must understand we get excited when shes not on!! haha
^^^ Yep mamafy's right!

no ring, no baby. Had a good day though! sorry to cause so much excitement!
oh no.. shes back..
haha no i know your not popping any babies out as it wont start till monday night and your lo will pop out tuesday (dont know if its this tuesday or next tho)

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