*Updated pg 1* Dreaded Dr time again *rant ranty MacRant*


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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So my scan was supposed to be at 39 weeks. But the letter came through for it being today at 2.15pm. Ah well.

So growth scan and I don't know what else. I don't mind more bloods, urine etc as it was all fine last week with MW and BP was back down to its usual 110/60. I am sure it will go up in the hospital if I have to wait around in the heat of the place too long :wall: Apart from having to see that very unhelpful and negative registrar Doctor possibly I'm not minding really. Hopefully my MW is there and can swing it that I see the lady Doc.

I'm not worried about the scan. Nervous a bit as I don't want to be told Baby's tummy is measuring 42 weeks or something insane. I'm really hoping it will measure only a couple of weeks ahead at most and that MW was right and it was because LO had swallowed masses of fluid before the scan so was porking out for the camera :lol: :roll: My fundal has only measured one week ahead since 30 weeks and always the same MW taking it so :wall: :roll:

Within a 2 week margin of growth I can cope. But the thing is, last scan everything was fine bar head, which was 2 weeks bigger and tummy which was measuring 4 weeks bigger :shock: Somewhere things don't add up do they :think:

If grotbag Doctor tells me baby is a huge biff and advises medical controlled birth I am prepared. I have my information, my stats and my MW's support for trying for a homebirth. But I know it will knock me a little again. Hubby is prepared to speak up also incase I get annoyed and start having a bit of a go :shock: I'd be polite, but I'd be sure to tell him what I think. I think I'm more inclined to be argumentative about things today having met him before and felt totally underwhelmed by him and his advice and support (meaning total lack of it).

Plus I am still pissed about the comments of him being able to refuse me as a patient but my HB MW not being able to (even though I explained it was her suggestion I homebirth etc) and him ending our visit with the line to 'eat more apples' before baby arrives :x :evil: A very polite way of telling me I'm a fat heffer with a fat baby. Heh I'll be sure to return the compliment somehow today :rotfl:
aww good luck for it hun
hope the scan goes well and baby doesnt look too big for you
manda xx
best of luck sherry, but after last time you know to take his comments with a pinch of salt, also if he says anything else out of order, report him, cheeky ar*e :evil:

I'm back. And feeling pretty peed off still :roll:

Same story, different Registrar and lo also the consultant :roll: The nurse was apologetic (met her before and she is lovely) and said sorry I was having to hear it all over again from a different Doctor etc. She did seem genuinely sympathetic to my situation.

This time it wasn't my BMI that concerned the Doctor, but my age coupled with possible larger baby :wall: Plus first timer also.

So I heard the whole chapter and verse again with a few added sprinkles. His advice was to deliver in hospital regardless due to the factors above. Of course like any woman I can labour at home as long as I wish before going in (provided all is going as it should) but I should deliver in hospital. That I don't entertain a homebirth at all but plan to deliver in hospital. Even my assurances that my MW was supportive and was happy if I myself decided I wanted to go, even if all was going well etc counted for nothing. I should not attempt it at all.

Baby has slowed down somewhat. Perfect position and head well down, so thats one thing :) Sonographer said looked like last time was a growth spurt as its really levelled off nicely. Head and tummy were measuring around 40 weeks, so caught up with each other, one was not supersizing the other as before. Also femur length is on the longer side, but I wasn't surprised. Weight appears to be increasing at the normal expected rate of 1/2lb a week now. Estimate is about 7.5lb atm. For 37+5 I don't think this is huge. And while it could be a bit either way, still its not unreasonable.

Anyways, in some ways this Doctor today was worse than the last one. He was polite but painted an even gloomier picture of it all. He did however assure me if I did deliver in hospital I would be allowed to have a natural birth and not be against the clock or have any medical intervention unless needed. That if my labour was going slow there would be no pressure on me to try to get things moving etc. When I said if I delivered by choice in hospital I did not wish to have constant monitoring if labour was slow etc as I wanted to remain mobile etc he went a bit quiet and moved on to the next bit. I know they try to be hands off, but I still feel pressured and until its actually happening I am not going to know. But I'd be seriously hacked off if I was pressed into doing things I don't wish for.

I know people say I won't care once I am in labour and will probably want anything going to get baby out, but anyone who knows me knows I will care and it will be important to me. If its out of my hands then so be it, but if its normal but slow or whatever, then it does matter to me greatly what happens during labour. I cannot change how I feel on that point.

Hubby and I are both going to see my MW next week. Talk it over with her again and discuss some more. I have said I wish to try for a homebirth regardless of the Registrar and Consultant advice. But that I have not discounted, nor have I ever done so, the possibility of delivering in hospital by choice or because of problem and that I accept if there are problems medical intervention is a given then.

Anyways :)
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
you should come and live down here, my midives all call themselves hippies and are really pro-homebirth! I'm sorry your silly people aren't!

To me I don't see any reason for you not to have a homebirth, baby is a little big - but so what! They might be out any day now anyways!
You're not old and you're not large so grrrr to them!!

I'm glad your midwife has been supportive, afterall it's her you need on the day not those silly people!

You'll be just fine hun :) xxxxxx
I would talk to your midwife. I'm sure she wouldn't encourage you to have a homebirth if she thought there would be a problem. Why would she bring the extra stress on herself?
At the end of the day if you're having a homebirth and it doesn't work out you can always transfer to hospital, I don't think you've got anything to lose by giving it a go :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sherlock, I'm not against homebirth but have either the midwife or doctors discussed with you the possibilty of shoulder dystocia in a bigger baby? and has the midwife discussed with you she would do if this happened? also how quickly they could get you and bubba to the hospital in an emergency?

as I said I'm not against home birth and you've probably thought all this through already but I would feel awful if you hadn't and something went wrong and I had kept quiet if you see what I mean. I know someone who lost their baby because of this and so I feel a bit strongly about it as I am sure you can understand. :cry:

I'm sure you are very well informed but please research shoulder dystocia if you haven't already - forewarned is forearmed and all that :hug:
smile said:
Sherlock, I'm not against homebirth but have either the midwife or doctors discussed with you the possibilty of shoulder dystocia in a bigger baby? and has the midwife discussed with you she would do if this happened? also how quickly they could get you and bubba to the hospital in an emergency?

as I said I'm not against home birth and you've probably thought all this through already but I would feel awful if you hadn't and something went wrong and I had kept quiet if you see what I mean. I know someone who lost their baby because of this and so I feel a bit strongly about it as I am sure you can understand. :cry:

I'm sure you are very well informed but please research shoulder dystocia if you haven't already - forewarned is forearmed and all that :hug:

Hi smile :)

Yes, both MW and Registrar have discussed with me about this. MW explained what they would do in event of it should it happen at home. In hospital they use the same procedure in the first instance. Usually, as I understand it this is enough to help baby out. Also that true cases of shoulder dystocia are a rare occurance, but sticky shoulders etc in delivery do happen and there are ways and means of dealing with it.

I've also discussed at length the transfer times etc. And done reading etc.

My MW has said in first time deliveries things usually happen more slowly and problems can usually be spotted in plenty of time. She would transfer me at the first sign of a problem.

The thing is, atm baby, if the measurements etc today are to be believed, is not huge weight wise. Yes head measures bigger as does tummy, but the head is what concerns me the most. Yes maybe in 3-4 weeks time if adding weight then they will be and I've discussed at length with hubby about delivering in hospital etc then regardless. But if baby were to arrive in the next week or so, I am on course to have an 8lb baby with a margin of error of 25% either way. I don't consider that huge. Of course if the margin of error is to the high side then ooops 10lb baby here we come. But if its close or on the lower side is that really so big?

I'm playing it by ear and going with the flow. A hospital birth is not what I wanted or hoped for. Even if I do choose to deliver there I fully intend to labour at home as long as is possible under the supervision of my MW. And for the birth to be as natural as possible if all is well. But therein lie my reservations about birthing in hospital. Medical intervention of some kind for the sake of a shift change or a time frame. Plus all the other things that bother me about a hospital environment :roll: The thought of any of it leaves me cold. I don't have a mistrust of Doctors, but I believe wholeheartedly that birth is a natural thing and would not want it to become medicalised unless there is a genuine reason for it to be so.
oh hun, it would be nice if you had more support in your decision wouldnt it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think if you are labouring at home with your midwife and then deliver in hospital (should you want to) you'll only be there for minimum amount of time :) Your bubs doesnt sound that big to me :think: although there is that 25% thing :lol: I have my growth scan too on Wed, I bet they are about the same. My bubs head was the size of a full-term bubba on the last scan - he has a big brain like his Mumma :lol:
Tillytots said:
oh hun, it would be nice if you had more support in your decision wouldnt it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think if you are labouring at home with your midwife and then deliver in hospital (should you want to) you'll only be there for minimum amount of time :) Your bubs doesnt sound that big to me :think: although there is that 25% thing :lol: I have my growth scan too on Wed, I bet they are about the same. My bubs head was the size of a full-term bubba on the last scan - he has a big brain like his Mumma :lol:

I was thinking the same thing :lol: I have a great MW and I don't think she would risk me, my baby or her ticket if she felt I was not suitable. But there, Doctors are always going to say otherwise about this to me. Its their job :roll:

I have considered the option to labour as long as possible at home then transfer. I am prepared to do this and its in the back of my mind. I'd be after a 6 hour discharge if all was ok. And my MW has said she will keep an eye on me and tell me when is a good time to go in etc. I'm happy in that knowledge.

And nope, baby doesn't seem huge tbh. And that the measurements have levelled off nicely is good news.

Was your little man's head measuring full term then? He won't keep growing there surely now, I hope it levels off for you. Be interesting to see how close we are size wise. My LO's head is around the 40 week mark atm. I'm 2 days off 38 weeks so I don't consider it worrying tbh.

I do hope your scan goes well and you get some better news on what will be happening. I do hope you don't have to wait too much longer :hug: :hug:
My sister had a 10lb baby at home last September, and suffered shoulder dystocia. Baby got stuck for 20 minutes with head out. When she was finally delivered she was fine and didn't even need to go to hospital to be checked.

I'm not saying this is a textbook case but even a shoulder dystocia isn't always terribly serious - just bloody painful apparently!

I hope you get the birth you want & bubs isn't too enormous :wink:
Sounds like all consultants are the same to me. I had a consultant appointment today and again I have had to state my opinions and my plans for delivery in regards to my GBS.

I think it sounds like the hospital don't want to take any risks and are just trying to cover themselves by recommending you deliver in hospital.

Do whatever you feel is right Sherlock, you have the support of your midwife and you know what action will be taken in the event of any problems, plus you know how long it will take to get to the hospital.

From reading about the baby's measurements, I don't think 8lb odd is a big baby, I think once you reach 9lb plus then yes its a big baby. Stick to your guns if a homebirth is really what you want.
Im lying :rotfl: his head wasnt fullterm!! :wall: :wall: I just looked at the scan again. Its big though, at top of the chart but I dont know how many weeks ahead it was? His tummy was also fat :lol:

I forgot to tell you when I saw the consultant last week his reason for baby having a big tummy was...wait for it...Enlarged Liver :roll: "Your baby has enlarged liver thats why he is measuring big" is what he said... He also said he wouldnt have swallowed amniotic fluid so it made his tummy big. I just thought you dick... :lol: I let it go over my head. No-one has EVER mentioned enlarged liver. God knows where they get half these consultants from?!

I think your baby might be nearly ready to come out anyway hun, he/she has been head down for ages now :)
Tillytots said:
Im lying :rotfl: his head wasnt fullterm!! :wall: :wall: I just looked at the scan again. Its big though, at top of the chart but I dont know how many weeks ahead it was? His tummy was also fat :lol:

If it was the top of the centile then it would be about 2 weeks ahead I think. You are trying to sneak ahead with the winning Biff baby :wink: :lol:

And large liver? :think: That's a new one to me also. It really baffles me where all these conflicting things come from. I've heard so many now I just don't know what to think anymore :wall: So I don't think anything :wink:

We saw everything today in the scan btw. It was wonderful. got the guided tour so to speak. Got to see baby's face, nose and chubby cheeks face on, and ooo they were chubby looking, then the sonographer (a man and the best one yet IMHO) pointed out heartbeat, kidneys, spine and stomach, plus showed me the little arms and legs and also bottom :lol: The cutest part was LO was doing a bit of a wave with one arm which would explain why I feel punches down on my bits still :roll: Has room to take a swing :lol: Then he looked for and found the placenta up high at the back somewhere and tracked down the umbilical cord for me. He highlighted it and showed it was working fine as it changed colours to show blood flow between us. I was really moved to see that. He said that LO was really far down and it was all looking good :) Made hubby and I very happy :)
Sherlock said:
Tillytots said:
Im lying :rotfl: his head wasnt fullterm!! :wall: :wall: I just looked at the scan again. Its big though, at top of the chart but I dont know how many weeks ahead it was? His tummy was also fat :lol:

If it was the top of the centile then it would be about 2 weeks ahead I think. You are trying to sneak ahead with the winning Biff baby :wink: :lol:

And large liver? :think: That's a new one to me also. It really baffles me where all these conflicting things come from. I've heard so many now I just don't know what to think anymore :wall: So I don't think anything :wink:

We saw everything today in the scan btw. It was wonderful. got the guided tour so to speak. Got to see baby's face, nose and chubby cheeks face on, and ooo they were chubby looking, then the sonographer (a man and the best one yet IMHO) pointed out heartbeat, kidneys, spine and stomach, plus showed me the little arms and legs and also bottom :lol: The cutest part was LO was doing a bit of a wave with one arm which would explain why I feel punches down on my bits still :roll: Has room to take a swing :lol: Then he looked for and found the placenta up high at the back somewhere and tracked down the umbilical cord for me. He highlighted it and showed it was working fine as it changed colours to show blood flow between us. I was really moved to see that. He said that LO was really far down and it was all looking good :) Made hubby and I very happy :)

I dont want to win Biffest Baby! :lol: My poor bits :rotfl:

Sounds like you had a really good scan today :) Do you have to ask them to not disclose the sex? I could hardly see anything at my last scan, just lots and lots of baby and his head was squished so you couldnt see his face!! He is going to come out sooooo squished up :rotfl: blesss him!

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