

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Hello Ladies

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, I have been busy with my wedding planning...only 4 months today to go! Also I had to buy a new laptop and when it turned up and after using it for around 3 days, it broke...so I have just been sent a replacement today, which should be back up and running properly over the next couple of days..

Well this is our update from last time, o/h went for his scan on his pituitary gland and the resultws come back that everything is fine. So his consultant has now asked me to see my GP so she can refer myself to go for testing on my ovaries/blood tests and ultrasound etc... the usual tests to rule anything out for me. I am awaiting to hear for my appointment. My o/h needs to go back in July to discuss his options for treatment as his still has low sperm count, his testosterone levels came back bordeline this time, as before it was low and they thought that what was causing his low sperm count, but it's not! They said they cannot find what is causing his low sperm count and suggested that he goes on steriods to try and boost his sperm count, which means him injecting himself every morning for the next 8 months...Great as he hates needles, so guess who will end up doing that, me! lol

Apart from all this going on, we have been back and forth sorting out our wedding, which is getting very stressful and I have had quite bad depression and anxiety attacks, which have started to ease off now I am going to a counsellor.

Hope you all ok

Thanks for listening xx
Hey Donna
Wow 4 months to go to the wedding on top of all this news from the doctors... I'm not suprised you're finding it stressful. I hope you and your OH are doing ok. Talking's the way forward! :) It's great that you're able to talk to a counsellor. Is your OH good at talking about things? I know men often aren't... is he going to the counsellor with you?
We're all here for you if you ever need to vent :) xxx
Hiya Donna :)

Sorry to hear that you've been having such a rough time but i'm glad you're back on the up :hug:

They don't know why my hubby's sperm is low but they didn't try steriods - i hope your hubby can overcome his fear of needles. My hubby was the same until he got diabetes and he didn't have much choice :)

Not long until the wedding - gosh it's coming up quick :dance:

Is everything sorted pretty much?
Hey Ladies

Thanks for the support

Bead - He don't speak to anyone about his problems, he keeps it to himself and the way he feels as well, he don't even tell me sometimes how he is feeling. Counselling is doing me good, especially when it's better to talk to someone you don't know, as I find it hard to talk to my family and freinds, because they don't understand as they all have kids, even my mum admitted it that it must be hard for us, but she don't fully understand because she's had kids and never had any problems...

Louise - Yes everything sorted, just getting a few last minute things and paying for everything now lol I will glad when we all have a get together in July, then I can relax and enjoy a day of shopping and lunch with you ladies, it will be nice to relax lol

hi donna!

I'm new here, so you probably don't know me, but when I read about your hubby, it's just like I'm reading about mine. He often don't want to talk about his problems and just withdraw...so typical men!

My hubby's sperm is also low, but he hasn't gotten around to take the blood test yet...we're just trying to eat more healty and take some vitamins (my hubby has never been a man of healthy food and stuff) and than we'll just see how things go over the summer.

Lots of luck with your wedding and with your ttc!

xx Carrie
Thanks Carrie

Welcome to the forum and I hope you you find your way around soon....Yes men are always typical lol My o/h has cut all is crappy food out for the last 2 years now and hasn't improved his sperm count at all, just depends on how low his sperm count is...my o/h is 1 million per m/l and it supposed to be 20 million per m/l (Average)...so his is very low.

Thanks and hope you join in with us all, we are allfriendly and helpful x

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