

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Hi there, thought i'd update on how things are going.
As some of you have read about my bleeding. Ive since worked out ive been bleeding on and off since 2008 and 2009 and its only this year in 2010 ive been bleeding none stop the only time i didnt bleed in 2010 was when i was pregnant and 5 months after i gave birth i cant seem to stop bleeding so ive not had sex in like 4 weeks because when i could have it id only be off for you a day and then come back on the next. Its quite depressing really.
So I went to the doctors about it cos ive had enough and im getting more depressed because i just cant stop bleeding some days it will slow right down but it will always be there but for like a week i can bleed heavily.
They tried to testing me i think it was the pap smear but i couldnt do it my legs were so not ready to try but i let them try but it hurt me an they said they only touched the sides which to me felt like the inside straight into the vagina and it hurt i did actually cry but i cry more at the fact i couldnt do it so now there refering me to a gynaecologist on the 7th december.
The doc asked me if i had been hurt down below in the past because my muscle spasms because they were just so tense that she couldnt do it so unfortunatly i was abused in the past an scared of being hurt that is why there refering me.
Ive got to make an appointment in the week back at the docs to see if they can find away to stop me bleeding im only 21 an my sex life is over so to me thats saying to me sumet in me cervix aint right otherwise i wouldnt be bleeding i just dont get it :(
sorry its long. xx
Oh hon, u poor thing. I hope that they can help u work out what's wrong and help you with it x x x
Hiya,my sis had somethin similar after she'd had her baby,she's only 22 and bled just about non stop for 9 months after the birth. She finally saught medical advice,had blood tests,swabs taken and a scan and they could find nothin abnormal. Strangely after about a month everythin just returned back to normal. I spent a lot of time googlin her symptoms and found the most likely cause was a hormone imbalance (also the only thing the gp didn't test 4!) hope u get sorted soon Hun xxx
:hug: Hope they find out what's causing it soon :hug: x
Hiya,my sis had somethin similar after she'd had her baby,she's only 22 and bled just about non stop for 9 months after the birth. She finally saught medical advice,had blood tests,swabs taken and a scan and they could find nothin abnormal. Strangely after about a month everythin just returned back to normal. I spent a lot of time googlin her symptoms and found the most likely cause was a hormone imbalance (also the only thing the gp didn't test 4!) hope u get sorted soon Hun xxx

Ive had mine since 2008 i went before because i was struggling to get pregnant cos i was having 2 periods a month an felt like i was always on this was before i had LO an now i had LO in 2010 ive been none stop, i think i prefer to have 2 periods a month least then i mite still have a little bit of a sex life. Lol.
Im hoping i get sorted soon its depressin im fed up of aving stomach cramps an i dont like taking painkillers anways but when i have no choice cos i get pain in the sides of me belly when bleeding i'll take them but i dont like takin them when ive got LO with me incase im to tired to do anything cos the painkillers ive got cud make me pass out for a week lol. so thats a no an always as been. ty girls. I just dont know anyone thats been like me an tried to get sorted an wen i was gettin sorted slowly with tests of a scan on me belly i found out i was pregnant with this one :shock: so all the tests stopped then i stopped bleeding for 8 months an since ive LO ive had 1 day off every so often an now i dont even get a day off its a joke an a piss take i wish someone wud knock me out an test me like that then it will be over an done with an then to help me stop bleeding.
I think i wouldnt bleed for no reason so most likely my cervix cos i asked the doc wat they were checkin me for so the cervix she sed which there for makes me think of cancer or cysts an things like that.
Im petrfied of myself dyin now cos im constantly reminded that im always on an my boy is only 5 months an if there was nothing wrong i wont need to be tested.
sorry im over panicking now lol. x
Really hope they can sort it for you honey x x massive hugs x x
my friend had none stop bleeding from her implant and now she has to take the pill ontop of the implant that way she gets a week off from bleeding maybe you should try asking for the pill or a sort of contraception that might delay your periods...?
I have stopped bleeding for a few weeks yay :D but i think im coming on again.
Ive been transfered to a gynae now. First got to have blood test to check to see if my hormone levels av gone down and then ive got a pelvic scan to check overies an that area to see if theres anything showing on that but im going to let them try to examine me but it might be difficult but im going to try an if it does hurt i Will tell them to stop i dont want to have to be hurt.
I do get belly cramps alot so im hoping something will come up of it all to tell me whats happening xthanks guys ill keep u updated next time i know something xx
glad things are getting checked out x
Glad they're looking at you hon and hope ur sorted soon x x x
good luck hun and i hope they sort things out for you soon,

i had the same thing for about 3 months, bleeding everyday and the gynae consultant put silver nitrate on my cervix after a smear (painful but only just bearable!) and it solved it, he said it was a bit of my cervix that had dropped down slightly so then when i was having sex it caused me to bleed and then kinda didnt stop for about a week! that was nothing compared to what ur suffering with, so i really really hope they can get things sorted out soon for u and get u out of pain,


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