update on setdse!!! 9.30 pm 28th feb


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Jun 29, 2010
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sorry girls im crap she texted earlier but only just got on the laptop..... heres what she said....

"got flashing lights and went all dizzy at 2 pm so got taken to hospital. just been told i have to stay in over night. oh the joy. 3protein and blood pressure on border of high. if it gets any higher they may induce me. will be re assessed tomorrow at half 9 and will have another scan x"

hope everything is ok, hate all this medical drama!! will update again if she texts tomorrow x

just had a few texts this morn!
"hey rough night no sleep, blood pressure was taken every 15 minutes, and they were all high. given me med to lower which has helped so far and jabbed me in the bottom with a steroid to make dylans lungs stronger.second dose at half 7 tonight, think this is going to be the start for me :)"

then got
"doc just came. measuring small, sending me for scan and putting me on meds. doc said in this situation he would induce within a couple of days. baby will be fine"

so i replied saying hope everything goes well and she feels ok and she replied with
"he will be here by friday!"

woo! how exciting eh! obviously the whole pre eclampsia thing is scary but at least he will be safe and sound when hes out. good luck sophie!!

9.30pm got another text
"hey, no more problems other than 4protein. blood and blood pressure now fine, no swelling hadaches or flashing lights. doctor on change over so wont consent to sending me home but midwife said nothin wrong with discharging myself. havent slept yet since sat night and will be back in tomorrow to get results of urine they just took."

i said good luck and she replied
"thanks. i know im prob being really stubborn sending myself home but ever since i got there i felt worse and they tell me one thing and change their minds. so frustrating. baby head was perfect but body a lil small but nothing to worry everyone midwife said."

what is it with these pesky doctors being a nuissence!? they do it to all of us i swear!!
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Thanks for updating hun. Hope she's ok!
x x x x
Awww hope blood pressure comes down and she's ok xxx
Good luck Sophie, looks like your little one just isn't going to last till 37 weeks as I instructed!! At least you made it to 35....all the best xxx
Good luck Hun hope it all goes well xxx
hey girls.

Just phoned hospital and bloods are fine just waiting on urine sample results. I dont think they really know what it is anymore as protein in my urine is the only pre eclampsia symptom ive had since sun. Blood presure was high for a while but they now think it wasnt and was just due to using thw wrong cuff on the BP machine! :wall2:

Feeling so much better this morning after a proper sleep in my own bed with cuddles! :dance:

Once i have heard back from hospital with urine tests will know more. If they come back bad i'm just gunna ask them to induce as i'd much rather know he was safe lying next to me that causing us both problems still cooking.

Had steroid injections to strengthen my lil man so in case they have to induce me he'll be healthy.

And thanks Lexi for updating everyone while i was in hospital.... don't think this is the end of it tho.
Aww hun its hard not knowing thats what i had - was exact gestation as u r 2 - been on weekly monitoring since for BP and Urine and was given the BP tablets - babys still in here - i know my doc said if protein was shown in urine would get to 37 weeks and then induce - but areas are different thinks thats why we get confused so much x
Welcome home! I know exactly what you mean about being better off at home - just never being able to sleep in hospital is awful! I had the steroid injections in my bum too - ouch!!! But reassuring just incase baby does make an early appearance! Take it easy at home hun, don't want the symptoms to come back cause you're rushing around.....even though it sounds like they don't really know what it was! xxx
Welcome home lovely am glad your ok. I know about pain of bum injections too had them with dd lol. Rest up hun x x

Hey girls. i'm sad to say i have togo back in tomorrow for checks and midwife said bring lots to do so you don't get bored. and your hospital bag! :( not lookin like i'll be sleeping in my own bed for a while. all depends on test results on whether they'll induce me. although they said somethin about the protein bein there cos kidneys are failin. so i'm guessin babe wouldn't be all unsafe if i was havin kidney failure. who knows! not them! takin laptop in with me tomor! need somethin to do. will prob be on if i can get signal! x x x x x
Hey hun, hope you're ok. Let us know how it goes tomorrow.

Hope you are ok and tests go well tooday, thinking of you x
Hope you're ok hun you're in the best place possible they delivered me because i was ill but baby was still fine so they take your health into consideration xx
i hope so guys! im not staying here for 5w!!
i hope so guys! im not staying here for 5w!!

Hang in there! Just see how it goes hun. They told me I'd be in till the baby was born which was 10 weeks but things improved and I was home after 16 days.....just take each day as it comes and hopefully things will improve for you xxx

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