update on my scan


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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well didnt really have much time yesterday to update you on how my scan went so thought i would update.

managed to get measurements of everything apart from the nasal bone as his little hands were on his face like i said.

he is also very low down already. as in correct position for birth. only way they could see any of his head and take measurements was by doing an internal.

im not sure if i should be worried he is so low down already. they didnt seem too worried but just making me nervous. also i keep getting a bit of pain down there.(sorry tmi) do you think it could be as he is so low.

everything else seemed fantastic. like i said before found out we are having a boy. and have another scan next friday to check measurements again. he is also weighing at exactly 1lb.

u might go back next week and he might have moved... They move about so much in there. My friends little boy was engaged (head down in position) for weeks and she was convinced he was going to come early but he never. sure they wld have said if it was a problem but u could always ask at next scan..

Congrats again on ur little boy u must be over the moon-Its the best feeling ever to be told all ok and see them in there :) xx
it certainly is. and to see his fingers and toes properly etc. xxx
wow how do they know how much they weigh?? I wasnt told this. Thats so cute!

Im sure if there was anything to be alarmed at hun they would have explained it to you i wouldnt worry about it too much. Ask them at the next scan. If ive learnt anything so far during this pregnancy its ask ask ask!! They dont give much information out unless you do! x
I am sure it is nothing to worry about or they would have told you. At 2/3 of my scans my baby was face down into my bladder...i am sure everything is just fine with the baby, its normal to worry though xxx
just readin tht again i never got told a weight either nmf did u ask or did they just tell u ? x
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Glad all went ok. My little girl was face down both times. I had to go for a walk, go to the toilet and have a hot drink before she decided to move! Lol!

My lil boys is right down aswell.. she said it wasnt a problem as they still move. although hes been head down at my last 3 scans. Last time I went mine was weighing just over a 650grams :D
wow how do they know how much they weigh?? I wasnt told this. Thats so cute!

I was never told the weight either, but after the extra scans I've had due to my placenta problems they've given me a printout for my pregnancy notes...it's an estimated weight, my big boy is 4lb now :shock: I'm not sure how accurate it is - a lady I was in hospital with had hers estimated at over 8lb when she was 35 weeks, but when he was born at 38 weeks he only actually weighed 7lb something - mind you she was convinced that was because they'd starved her in hospital!! xx
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didn't ask they told us. not sure how they done it but that's what they said he weighed.

be nice if he moves for a while. wasn't expecting to have feet poking in my ribs this early.

forgot to put he is 26.5cm from head to bum.

ah my little boy. so cute. xxx

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