Update on me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Hello ladies,
Well, i'm certainly not having the best time at the moment! Since coming back from the hospital yesterday I've been in agony with contrations still coming every 6-7 minutes. Tried going for a walk at about 2am but that did nothing. I sent my dh off to bed for most of the night and tried to rest. By 4am I was in pieces- soooo tired as I just could not sleep at all- no position was comfy and contractions hurting regularly.
I phoned the hospital and the midwife told me to stay at home cos all they would do is give me paracetamol, she said that they wouldn't have me in till I was about 2-3 minutes apart and that it still could take 24 hours for me to have the baby! Not something I wanted to hear when I'm sleep deprived and in agony.
I feel like such a wuss but I'm just not coping with this at all, i'm now 10 minutes apart and feel like this is never going to end. I went to go the shop with my dh just now to see if I could get things going and he convinced me to stop at the doctors and see a midwife to check things over as its their day today- i'm lucky as its a small surgery so they fit me in as the 1st appointment- went in and she took one look at me and said they shouldn;t have sent me home as I was so distressed. I burst into tears and she called them and said I needed to come in. But I really don;t want to after that horrible doctor yesterday.
I thought I asked to be woken when this was over?!
Awww chick, have some of these :hug: :hug: You really should go and get checked out, if you are not coping you will just get worse and the last thing you wanna do is distress baby. Really hope things either get going for you or die off so you can get some rest. Good luck huni, keep us posted x :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: aww hunny - i really hope things start happening soon for you darlin!! good luck :hug:
:hug: :hug: have you tried just laying in the bath and getting OH to top it up with hot water?

Are you sure it wasn't your front waters that went yesterday? :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Its best that you should go in especially if you are getting distressed. No sleep wont help either just make sure you are honest with them about everything and dont worry that they will think you are being a wimp!!!have you got a tens machine?that may help you. Or have a hot bath. Itll be over soon and you will have your gorgeous little one in your arms.

Oh hun! You poor love! You're having a nightmare of it aren't you :hug:

Are you sure it wasn't your hind waters or something yesterday? Just seems a bit too coincidental that you're in early labour after waters *of some sort lol* went yesterday?

OR, it could have been a whopping contraction that tightened around your bladder?

Either way, it really doesn't sound like labour is far for you now... Sounds like you're just having a long early stage.

No! Don't you feel like a wuss! You're having a longer early bit than most people which is tiring on your body and your pain threshold will decrease from being so shattered with it - I'm sure we'd all be the same! Plus, the "Am I? Aren't I?" Must be emotionally draining too.

Well, I predicted that MissSara would have Benjamin on Saturday - & she did...!! :shock: I reckon things will properly kick off by tomorrow lunchtime for you :hug: xxx
I would definately reccomend a hot bath, it sent me from nothing to 7cm in a matter of miutes, i wont mention the pain :oops:
Oh hun, I hope that you are being looked after now in hospital :hug:

My contractions went very quickly from 10 minutes, to 5 to 3 minutes apart - I think the hot bath helped bring them on. Thinking of you, it will soon be all over for you hun :hug:

Aww hun :hug: Hope you manage to either get some rest or that the contractions get closer together for you :hug:
Oh chick! Feel better soon :hug:
Baby doesn't sound like they're too far off.

The way things are going for me i'll probably miss your birth as things don't seem too far off for me.

Good luck and try your best to get some rest.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww you must be feeling so miserable!!! just try and rest which im sure is much easier to say than do! im hoping your baby is almost here!
Nope :think: I hope she's nearly meeting her LO (Who I reckon is a girl! :cheer: ) xx
I'm still here. :( walk brought contractions back to 6 minutes. Just managed to have about half hour sleep too which is great. Now going for another walk and then gonna have a bath. I think it will be tomorrow before anything happens.
Oh Isia :( :hug: I really feel for you.

Glad you managed to have a short kip though, you'll need that energy somewhere in the next 48 hours I'm pretty sure of it :wink:

Have you got a text buddy? Keep us posted and I am praying that LO makes an appearance VERY soon :pray: xxx
Hey hon, not been online until now, Id love to say don't stress but I know its easier said then done...

Heres a fw suggestions:

Try squating and bouncing up and down
have hot bath/shower it will help with pain and relax you
Use that rescue remedy!
Stick the telly on, it will help take your mind off of things although you're not "watching" it as such
Don't clock watch, remove them if need be get OH to time contractions, every minute etc will stress you out...

Not much longer and with any luck you won't be reading this until tomorrow or after you have baby!! :cheer:
I just logged in hoping to see a BABY HERE thread from you, I am really hoping things start and continue to build and baby arrives soon for you :hug: :pray: :hug: :pray: :hug: I can sympathize, my waters went and contractions started with Isaac 86hrs before he was born so I know long labours can be very tiring, do anything you can to rest, you can also take co-codomel which should ease the backache, did they feel LO's position? To check baby isn't back to back which could explain the long labour, so if you have a birth ball try and stay on that or get on all fours, look up some breathing exercises if you can, long, deep breaths should help relax you some, as well as a nice bath and light touch massage, get OH to gently stroke your back or bump, take your mind of things slightly :hug: :hug: :hug: Remember to eat and drink plenty of water too, you never know when things will start and you need to keep your energy levels as up as possible, very very best wishes, thinking of you and hoping baby is here SOON :pray: :hug:
Hope it all gets going for you soon lovely :hug: xxxx

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