update on me


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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hi girls, few what a mad day

i was in hospital until early hours then got home and rested- at the hospital i was put on heart monitor and jacks heartbeat was too high so i couldn't go home until it calmed down. I had my blood pressure checked 4 times, temp checked and my eye sight. Ive been given some stronger pain killers to try and ease my headache. Eventually at 2am his heartbeat calmed down and i was allowed home.

then today i was back up hosp for 32 week scan. Jacks nice and healthy, he has some fluid between his kidneys but ive been told not to worry. His going to be a big baby :) they've noticed my iron is low so im now on iron tablets. If my headaches don't improve then i have to go back. Also NO protein in waters so alls good there. And midwifes coming to see me in the morning.
oh lovely what a bad time you have had glad your home. hope you can get plenty of rest thinking of you xx
Really glad you and jack are ok honey x
Very happy you're both ok. :) x
Great news - love the name- Jack would have been our choice for a little boy's name :)
Glad they're checking everything and your both ok :) xxxx
glad everything ok hun take care of yourself xxx
So pleased you and Jack are OK. Look after yourself.

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