Update on me!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Ok so after our little blip hubby took me out for dinner and we had a long chat about everything. and we are sooooooo sorted now, and I am feeling really positive. I dunno i just feel different, have funny butterflies in my tum, and my mum commented that my boobs looked massive yesterday, i know its way to early at 3dpo-4dpo but i dunno i just have a good feeling about it!
Glad u got everything sorted Hun. Fx for u xx
Aw I'm so glad you've sorted everything with your hubby and fingers crossed this is your month x x x
Glad you got it all sorted, sometimes all it takes is a relaxing evening together,

Fingers crossed for you though hun x x
Good luck for this month! Hopefully you will get your :bfp:!! :)

Glad you feel happier Mrsms it does help when were all loved up and happy doesnt it.... And sounds good I really hope you get your BFP asap!!! xxxx
i baked him banana bread haha and doing a lovely tea tonight :) i know its past Ov but nothing wrong with a bit of BDing just for fun!
Ahhh your so good to him lol!! And def nothing wrong with a bit of BD post ov....does you good lol! Enjoy xxx
glad that you all had a chat hun, you said so loved up and happy hun. hope this is you month!
yummy banana bread !!!
Oh so pleased your back on track together, and sounds like it has gone more the other way to me!
Meals out, baking for him, and nookie when it doesn't matter for TTC ! Well done you two :):)

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