Help me...please.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I am so uncomfortable lately and I feel like I am at my wits end. I am on cycle day 49. I have tested 3 times (all a week or more ago). I am bloated, uncomfortable, lot of CM. I am also tired all of the time. I have been feeling swirlies (butterflies,...i dunno) in different areas in my belly, not just one area. My breasts aren't tender or darkening. I am so tempted to test again. All of you seem to be really experienced. Do you think I could be pg even though I had 3 negatives? Please respond. I am desperate to hear some encouraging words. Thanks. :cry:
You do have what sounds like they could be pregnancy symptoms. I would ask the doctor for a blood test to be sure.

Good luck
I know that I need to do that, but I just keep thinking that if I wait a little longer either I will get a BFP hpt or AF and save the money of going for a blood test. I normally wouldn't be like that, but everytime I go to my OBGYN I get shots of hormones to "jumpstart" my system again, so it's kinda discouraging. Know what I mean. What Hpt do you all reccomend as the most accurate? I heard that 20mg hpts are really sensitive, but I can't seem to find where it says that on the box. Does anyone know that name of a 20mg hpt? :?:
You can get 10mg HPT's at:

I am assuming you are in the US by the way you say you have to pay for blood tests????? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I am sure even if you are they would post to you for a small postage fee.

Good luck.
yep! I am in the U.S. We have to pay for all medical services here. Thanks for that website. I'll try that out. You know, the only thing that is keeping me from really believing that I could be pg is my cervical possition. Can anyone tell me how accurate it is that when pg you cervix is high and hard? Mine has been consistantly low, and soft. Some days it feels open shaped like (O) and some days closed shaped like (I)?? What's going on here?!!
Oh, I checked on babymad and it said that they were only shipping to UK addressed now. :(
Thats a shame. I have a few lying around, if you want to pm me your address I don't mind sending you a few xxxxx

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