Update - not pregnant anymore

I'm so so sorry leesey, I just can't believe it :( big hugs :hugs: :hugs: xx
I'm so sorry to hear that hun :( I really wish these things wouldn't happen, take care of yourself xxx
Sorry to hear that Leesey, have you been to see your doctor to get it confirmed? xxx
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for your words, I'm welling up just reading everyone's kind thoughts. I've been having a bit of a bubble on and off all day, but it still hasn't really sunk in yet.
Managed to get the afternoon off work and went to EPU, who confirmed that I was no longer pregnant and that I should expect to bleed anytime between now and the next fortnight. It seems like such a long wait I didn't realise it could take so long. So I'm obviously hoping for sooner rather than later.

The horrible thing is I very much still feel pregnant, so if I hadn't continued to test I would never have known that bubs was gone. I feel grateful for knowing early on, if I'd gone another fortnight thinking I was pregnant before miscarrying then it would have been even more devestating I think.

I'm off tomorrow, so just need to hope that it happens soon so I can feel like it's properly over. Last time I only bled for one day, but I don't know if I can judge by that at all.

Thanks again everyone, it means so much knowing that everyone is here to talk to xxx
it makes me so sad to read this, sat here crying for you. :( I feel for u so much hunny, I hope it is an easy mc for u and happens quickly. :hugs: :hugs: xxx
Oh no. Oh babe sending you huge hugs. Really hope it ends for you soon xx
i,m so sorry to hear this. I wish you luck for the future.
I am so sorry to hear this, I can't imagine how you are feeling! :hugs:
I got a lovely phonecall this evening from the EPU, and it was the midwife just phoning to check I was ok, as she was thinking of me. She felt so bad that there was nothing she could do. I cried a bit when I was talking to her because it was so sweet of her. Good to know when I get my sticky bean that I'll be in kind, caring hands.

I will let everyone know if I manage to see the doctor tomorrow, hopefully will get the ball rolling with checking my hormone levels. I seem to be able to conceive ok, but there's obviously something stopping the pregnancies progressing. I've got a strange feeling though that my doctor said last time that it's 3 miscarriages before further investigation. They didn't acknowledge my CPs much, so I don't think they'll count.

Will keep everyone updated, and again thank you for your thoughts xx
:hug:Reassurring to know you have a friendly face at the Hospital. Just so gutted for you but admire your strengh.


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