UPDATE FROM CASSI !! ** !!!!! He's Here !!!!**

Wow Im on tenterhooks now!! Really hope the baby comes in the next few hours, bless her, her and Alan are in my thoughts!
She's giggling on Gas and Air now! :lol: Just asked how many cm dilated she is
Yeah good one Sami, that may give us an indication as to how long she has left!!
Good Luck Hun - sorry about the poop - i had that and its horrid. hope you arent stuck on the bed like i was :( Fingers crossed it goes fast now!

good luck Cassi!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

won't be long before shes cuddling Jakob. :hug:
Aww this is so exciting, i keep coming back to see if there are any further developments!! :dance:
Cant believe I have been too busy at work this morning and missing all the excitement! Good luck Cassie! :cheer:
How exciting, hope everything goes really fast hun :hug:

Thinking of u :hug: :hug:
Sorry girls she has been a bit quiet (understandably!) , just got a text to say she is fully dilated now and going to start pushing when her epidural wears off, baby Jakob is coming tonight!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Fantastic news!!! How exciting! Thanks for keeping us updated!
ooo what fab news, send her my best wishes xx

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