UPDATE FROM CASSI !! ** !!!!! He's Here !!!!**

Cassi text me at 10:15am.

She is 1cm dilated, says the waters are gross still! Contractions every 4-6 minutes. Baby has pooped meconium so she has to stay in now and she is off to delivery ward in a minute. Just have a trace as she text me.

Sent her best wishes and good luck vibes! I'll let you knwo when she texts me again! xx
Thanks Sami :D
Good luck Cassi we all have our fingers crossed it will be a quickie :D
thanks for updating us!!
best of luck cassi :hug: :hug:
good luck cassi,

is the baby in distress then I hope it all goes well.

Don't think the baby is in distress Suz, but they sometimes just poop when the waters go and they have to keep you in then incase baby gets distressed and/or swallows it :)

Sent Cassi a message to say you all sent your love and asked how it's going.

She sent back "On drips to speed things up. Getting very painful now. They hope this side of midnight (that baby will be born). Tell all the girls I said thanks. x "


Told her to keep active if she can and bounce of the ball to get baby's head in touch with the cervix and get it going!
awww go cassie!!!! we all thinking warm thoughts and PUSH!! PUSH!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
How exciting - a baby is comin today :cheer: :cheer:

Good Luck Cassi :cheer: sending you fast labour vibes and plenty of happy baby dust :cheer:
Go cassi!
Hope things are going ok!
Thank you for keeping us updated sami! :D :D

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