Update + embarrassing moments!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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Heyy everyone... Didn't get chance to post yesterday about the physio... Well after lots of back and forths between the physio department and antinatal unit (long story) I kind of got sorted, have mild SPD... they measured me up but didn't have my size fem-brace thing so I gotta ring on Friday.*

So embarrassing though... The woman asked me to pull my jeans down a bit, so i did... Then she needed them down futher basically so I was stood in my knickers, BUT somehow I only managed to hook my fingers behind my knickers and pulled them half down! Poor woman was kneeled right infront of me, she started laughing and panicked saying not your pants too!! I was mortified, oh was sat there peeing himself! She must have had a face full of semi hairy foof! Poor woman.

THEN today went m&s to get some bras with my birthday money, decided to get measured... I'm in a bloody DD! Was squeezed into the cubicle with a little old woman, and the bra had like a clasp to take down the cup part... U guessed, im turning round so she can see if its the right fit and it pinged open and this poor woman got an eyeful of my big nipple! So all in all pretty embarrassing times over the last 2days... Been in 2 weird positions with 2 strangers! My dignity is slowly dying and I haven't got to the labour part yet! *

Jeez what a long post! Sorry!
So basically you have spent the weekend flashing at strangers? :rofl: have you enjoyed tour bday?

Haha oh dear. I'm sure more embarrassing moments are to come when we are in labour.

I know a girl when she had just had baby the mw came in and asked if she could check her stitches so the mw said 'I'll just go and close the door' but the girl thought she said go on all fours.
So the mw turned round after closing the door and she was on all fours on the bed waiting to be checked. Hahahaha so funny xx
I have indeed... Prep for labour u see, trying to ease myself into not caring who sees what! Haha. Rob was like once could be an honest mistake but twice in 2days... I always knew u had tendencies towards woman and flashing. Haha! Yeah ice had a good day, shopping... bought my first maternity things, some jeans an a top from next! And then food tonight, I'm like a beached whale stuck in the bath now coz I'm so full! Sexxyyy xxxx
Emma- haha that's brilliant! And yep I'm sure much more is to come! Xxx
Lol @ Emma!
Glad you've had a nice day! :)

lol how funny, your oh could of given you the heads up about the knickers the meanie lol
lol how funny, your oh could of given you the heads up about the knickers the meanie lol

I know! Think he just couldn't stop laughing, hes enjoying telling everyone now!

It's been a really traumatic 2days! It makes me squirm just thinking.

oh well you will be well prepared for labour hee hee
Haha I'm just uncontrollable, can't help myself... I blame the hormones! xxx
lol bless you heidi. spending your bday flashing at people. that's a new way to celebrate. xxx

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