Thank you everyone
I was feeling wiped out earlier and have just forced myself to eat a jacket spud and cheese to boost my starch and its worked.
Baby Galen is sleeping lots, feeding and latching well so far and is just adorable.
For Minxy and sydneysmum who asked.... Its pronounced Gay-len but we don't stress any part of the name. If that makes sense. There are a number of variations of spelling of it but we went with the one most recognised in the English language. And even that is rarely heard of
And its from this man way back in history (where I first came across the name many years ago) and its meaning is "healer; tranquil; calm

It is also used in Celtic (a few Welsh adn Scottish people out there with the name)
Our second choice name for a boy was Gabriel but we took one look and hubby said 'definately Galen' so