My waters have gone! Update 4! Grrrrrrr!

:cheer: OMG hun. You might be hours away from holding your LO. How exciting :hug: :hug: :hug:
Excellent - thanks for keeping us posted! Lots of luck
ooooh i missed all the action, i am soooooo happy for you hun bet your well excited, cant wait to see piccys of lo :hug:

Can you get your hubby to tell when he thinks i might have mine please :rotfl: :rotfl:

Take care hun rest while you can :hug: :hug:
Oh my goodness so exiting!!! i cant beleive your just about to have your little one! it just shows how close it is getting now! i bet there is going to be a week of babies im so eixited for you will keep on checking for updates good luck hun!!!

PS :rotfl: everyone wants a prediction off your OH now !!! :rotfl:
Oh I missed this, its time to meet baby :cheer:

Good luck hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hun, this is great news :cheer:

good luck, hopefully you'll be holding bubba soon!! :D
OMG how did I miss this!! I was thinking about you earlier aswel. That would be so cool if you have your baby on your due date! Good luck hun, will be thinking of you! Keep us updated!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
hope it all goes well, and not too slowly!!
Good luck! :hug: :hug:
bet those bad ones are doing the good stuff though, good luck hun your doing great :D

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