unwanted termination tomorrow due to blighted ovum :(

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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so here i am again, second loss in 6 months, except this time there wasnt even a baby just an empty sac, hospital hoped i would m/c on my own but i havent so tomorrow im due one final scan and if still empty they will terminate the pregnancy :(

so confused on how to feel, part of me is thinking im gutted im not going to be a mom again

on other hand you only get a blighted ovum or an other type of m/cdue to severe problems with the baby, so in a way its kind of good its happened as all babies deserve to be healthy.

still if i had it my way there would have been a baby and one with a healthy heart beat going full term.

so this was my other post earlier
ok this was my first post:

went hospital 2 weeks ago with bleeding thought i was 7wks 3 days, sac measured somewhere between 6 weeks to 6wks 3 and was completely empty, no baby (not even one without a heartbeat) and no yolk sac

told to come back 2 weeks later as a dark patch showed on scan either:

blood clot and the empty sac

2 empty sacs

2 sacs and 1 of them empty

all my spotting and cramping has stopped, really bad mornign sickness still.

when i go tomorrow i should technicall be 8 wks whether anything there or not. would apregnancy test come up negative yet or not for a few more weeks?

hasa anyone had this?

and now ive had this

ok just done a test and not sure what to think, i first did a test a couple of days after period was due and it took 5 mins before the positive line showed up, i took one a couple of days later and again it took 5 mins to show up, just done my third (around 25 days after last one) and i had barely put the cap on and the ummm bodily fluid had barely started to climb up that window and it was showing 2 lines. i really dont know what to think, i thought maybe it would have been negative now? or even been a fainter line but its as dark as control line

also made sure i used exactly same brand test
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Aww babe, so sorry you are going through this, fingers crossed on your final scan tomorrow x
because even though there is no baby just a sac it will cause my hormone levels to still rise, so lucky me i still get to experience morning sickness, oh the joys of being a woman
hi all ive updated the first post withsome more infor, can anyone help
hey hon when I went through this I took a test a couple of days before my scan at 10 weeks a dark line showed up right away. Then had the scan which revealed empty sac but was still getting pregnancy symptoms. I have to say after that I didn't take anymore tests so not sure how long it took for levels to go down, but bleeding started 2 days after scan. Sorry I can't be much help x x
no infact that was a great help to hear from someone who had been through it, at least i can be certain its an empty sac tomorrow n not be gutted, thank you xx
you're welcome hon hope it all goes okay for you tomorrow :hugs:x x
So sorry to hear you're going through this :hug:

I went through similar in January and they monitored the HCG level over 6 days and because of a suspected ectopic I had to have a D&C.

Please look after yourself sweetheart xx
great news everyone, they found a baby and it hada strong heartbeat too, little one measured at 8 weeks
Such a great news! This tells me blighted ovums are misdiagnosed quite a lot, overjoyed for you!
i cried happy tears for you when i saw that actually it was wrong diagnosis and things would be ok.... big hugs and wishes for rest of preg to be smoothe xxxx

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