Unsure what to do?


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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I had a meeting at the hospital where I gave birth over what happend in my labour and all the failings leading to my 4 hours of surgery and blood transfusion plus recovery to see what happend where it went so wrong and the hospital have admitted to the midwife being at fault (this was a relief).

Now people are telling me to go for compensation?

I'm unsure what to do. I know my recovery is taking time and things went drastically wrong to me but my little boy is healthy and thriving.

Dont know what to do
I'm sorry you had such a difficult time, it sounds terrible. I really don't know what to advise you, I just didn't want to read and run. I guess you could think about how any compensation could possibly benefit you?

I hope things work out ok and that you recover fully soon :hug:
If they have admitted their liability to be honest I would push for compensation. Compensation isn't just for physical but emotional distress too. In this day and age money is what makes the world go round, it is the one thing that makes people sit up and take note, for this reason I would push for compensation... But make sure you use a decent solicitor and not one of these advertised on tv!
I would personally not go for compensation.
If I am healthy and Lo is healthy is nth more than I want or that will make me feel better.
In plus I would personally not want to tempt faith somehow :faint:
I would probably have a meeting with them and ask if the mw that did sth wrong can be sent for more training, reassessing her education, having more exams etc etc.
But that's me...
I'd be inclined to push for them to meet to show how they have improved things so another woman doesn't have to suffer as you did. As Hope says I'd want to know that the incompetent MW has been punished / retrained accordingly.

Personally I am not a fan of claiming compensation from the NHS if in essence you don't need it? I know we all need extra cash but what I mean is baby has not suffered any long lasting health effects so doesn't "need" the money for extra care?

^^ what nat said hun, never midn the compo! you dont want this to happen to anyone else, i would go ahead with it!
Agreed, it shouldn't be about the monetary issue, although no one would judge you if that was you motivation, you've had a horrendous experience, but the hospital ought to demonstrate that they have without doubt taken steps to ensure it never happens again. Good luck taking it further if that's what you decide xx

I was telling friends from the start that I was pushing the hospital for a meeting so they would either say what the midwife did was correct or that she was at fault. It was never about money really but knowing that if she was at fault that something would be done and no other poor lady would go through what I went through.

I wont ever get the precious first moments back with my son or the fact that 5 months on I still have internal stitches dissolving and open ended appointments with the hospital until im either 50% or 100% right. I will also neber forget the look on my husband and sisters face when I was rushed out of the room for emergency surgery. The first person to dress my baby was my sister and she feels guilty.

I got what I wanted the truth and the fact they admitted she was at fault. Now something might be done or I hope it would.

They just hope that I go back to the hospital when I have a second baby.

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