Don't know what to do!

Little bean

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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Hi guys ive got my 20 week scan tomorrow 😁and I'm having a wobbly moment as to whether to find out my lil bean sex. All along I haven't wanted to find out, I've wanted a nice surprise at the end. But I have woken this morning unsure now. My husband is 50/50 to finding out. Ahhhhhh what should I do?? Xx
Go with the flow and see how you feel at the scan. There is no right or wrong answer
My bf is adamant we do not know sex before baby is born and I'm mad coz I want to know :wall2:
Ask the radiographer to write the sex and put it in an envelope that way ypu won't know but can if you change your mind
I would rather find out so that personaly I feel more prepared as to getting things in, before I found out I couldn't buy much clothes but now I know I'm having a girl, I can get lots of pink things lol x good luck Xx
To start with I thought I wouldn't want to know but after shopping and calling bump 'it' I started to change my mind and now really want to know. My OH wants to know but had left the decision to me, I think I'll decide on the morning of the scan but at the moment I'm really excited about the prospect of finding out xxx
We found out, and I'm certain it's helped make it more really for DH, he'll poke my bump and tell me he's playing with his daughter, where as before it was "the kid" which just sounded so distant. Xxx
Only you can make the decision. Weigh up the pros and cons of finding out.
If you do find out, it means you can be more prepared in the long run. You can get coloured clothes, decorate your nursery better, decide on a name etc. If you don't find out then you don't get another chance of finding out (unless you pay for a private scan later on) and will have to do everything in neutral colours. But on the other hand, you get that amazing surprise once labour is over of being told what you've got!
Lots of people love a surprise at the birth- I am personally far too impatient to wait and I don't think it will lessen the excitement and joy knowing what gender my buy is :)

Plus before the scan the baby was always referred to as spud or 'it' and it may just be me but i already feel closer to my little boy just knowing he's a he- we've hashed out names and now I refer to him as my little Noah and my little man

Decide whatever is best for you- for me being able to pick up little boy dungarees and t shirts is amazing xxx

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