Unhappy Baby ...


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
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My little man has been on bottles for 6 days. He is on aptimil and last time he was weighed he was almost back up to his birth weight of 9lb 4. I'm sure he has out a bit more on now. He is a very unhappy baby at times and definitely has colic as early evenings are heart renching with his crying. He's been on infacol for over a week now although all this has done is help his bring his wind up when feeding.

Anyone got any advice on how much he should be feeding and how often ? He gets grumpy about 2-21/2 hours after a feed but can usually be distracted enough to wait for around 3 hours for the next feed.

Any ideas to reduce the colic to would be amazing. I don't want to do lots of changes all at once so I can try n figure out what it is that's making him so unhappy throughout the day. He sleeps for about 6 hours at night before waking for a feed but isn't great at sleeping in the day.

Thanks xx
Hi hun, my advice would be to feed on demand and not worry about sticking to every 3 hours as it might be they baby is hungry. My boy is 15 weeks now and is still feeding every 2 hours during the day. My hv said this is fine and to just go with it. You'll probably find they take little and often for quite some time. This would be even more relevant as he's sleeping so well at night already as some babies need feeding every 2-3 hours day and night. Xxx
Agreed, deff feed on demand! Today my LO fed 2oz at 6am, 5oz at 9.30, just under 2oz at 12.30 then 5oz at 4.10, all a guessing game! When she wakes up I will make a bottle and she can chose how much she wants :) xxx
My little girl went from boob to aptimil and was always hungry and got colic. I moved her onto cow n gate comfort and it was amazing within 3days she was llike a different baby, still slightly colicy but the change was brilliant. She also pooed regularly too. If you don't want to change milk then colief is another option... I tried it but it didn't work for us. Its also expensive at 10 pound for tiny bottle if you don't get it on prescription x x
We tried the cow n gate comfort for colic, then founf out he had reflux so was started on carobel still a lil grumpy but better, the turns out he jad cows milk allergy changed to nutramigen with carobel, hello little smiley baby, its all trial and error I know that awful cry is heartbreaking, cou.d be still hungry gut always go tp your gp if ur not happy I was there nearly every week until they got him sorted, we also tried colief, dentanox and infacol, didnt do much help

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